Source code for xl.collection

# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission
# for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and
# distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is
# above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which
# Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to
# do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
# from your version.

Classes representing collections and libraries

A collection is a database of tracks. It is based on :class:`TrackDB` but has
the ability to be linked with libraries.

A library finds tracks in a specified directory and adds them to an associated

from collections import deque
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gio
import logging
import threading

from xl import common, event, settings, trax

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def get_collection_by_loc(loc): """ gets the collection by a location. :param loc: Location of the collection :return: collection at location or None :rtype: :class:`Collection` """ for c in COLLECTIONS: if c.loc_is_member(loc): return c return None
class CollectionScanThread(common.ProgressThread): """ Scans the collection """ def __init__(self, collection, startup_scan=False, force_update=False): """ Initializes the thread :param collection: the collection to scan :param startup_scan: Only scan libraries scanned at startup :param force_update: Update files regardless whether they've changed """ common.ProgressThread.__init__(self) self.startup_scan = startup_scan self.force_update = force_update self.collection = collection def stop(self): """ Stops the thread """ self.collection.stop_scan() common.ProgressThread.stop(self) def run(self): """ Runs the thread """ event.add_callback(self.on_scan_progress_update, 'scan_progress_update') self.collection.rescan_libraries( startup_only=self.startup_scan, force_update=self.force_update ) event.remove_callback(self.on_scan_progress_update, 'scan_progress_update') def on_scan_progress_update(self, type, collection, progress): """ Notifies about progress changes """ if progress < 100: self.emit('progress-update', progress) else: self.emit('done')
[docs]class Collection(trax.TrackDB): """ Manages a persistent track database. :param args: see :class:`xl.trax.trackdb.TrackDB` Simple usage: >>> from xl.collection import * >>> from xl.trax import search >>> collection = Collection("Test Collection") >>> collection.add_library(Library("./tests/data")) >>> collection.rescan_libraries() >>> tracks = [i.track for i in search.search_tracks_from_string( ... collection, ('artist==TestArtist'))] >>> print(len(tracks)) 5 >>> """ def __init__(self, name, location=None, pickle_attrs=[]): global COLLECTIONS self.libraries = {} self._scanning = False self._scan_stopped = False self._running_count = 0 self._running_total_count = 0 self._frozen = False self._libraries_dirty = False pickle_attrs += ['_serial_libraries'] trax.TrackDB.__init__(self, name, location=location, pickle_attrs=pickle_attrs) COLLECTIONS.add(self)
[docs] def freeze_libraries(self): """ Prevents "libraries_modified" events from being sent from individual add and remove library calls. Call this before making bulk changes to the libraries. Call thaw_libraries when you are done; this sends a single event if the libraries were modified. """ self._frozen = True
[docs] def thaw_libraries(self): """ Re-allow "libraries_modified" events from being sent from individual add and remove library calls. Also sends a "libraries_modified" event if the libraries have ben modified since the last call to freeze_libraries. """ # TODO: This method should probably be synchronized. self._frozen = False if self._libraries_dirty: self._libraries_dirty = False event.log_event('libraries_modified', self, None)
[docs] def add_library(self, library): """ Add this library to the collection :param library: the library to add :type library: :class:`Library` """ loc = library.get_location() if loc not in self.libraries: self.libraries[loc] = library library.set_collection(self) self.serialize_libraries() self._dirty = True if self._frozen: self._libraries_dirty = True else: event.log_event('libraries_modified', self, None)
[docs] def remove_library(self, library): """ Remove a library from the collection :param library: the library to remove :type library: :class:`Library` """ for k, v in self.libraries.iteritems(): if v == library: del self.libraries[k] break to_rem = [] if "://" not in library.location: location = u"file://" + library.location else: location = library.location for tr in self.tracks: if tr.startswith(location): to_rem.append(self.tracks[tr]._track) self.remove_tracks(to_rem) self.serialize_libraries() self._dirty = True if self._frozen: self._libraries_dirty = True else: event.log_event('libraries_modified', self, None)
[docs] def stop_scan(self): """ Stops the library scan """ self._scan_stopped = True
[docs] def get_libraries(self): """ Gets a list of all the Libraries associated with this Collection :rtype: list of :class:`Library` """ return self.libraries.values()
[docs] def rescan_libraries(self, startup_only=False, force_update=False): """ Rescans all libraries associated with this Collection """ if self._scanning: raise Exception("Collection is already being scanned") if len(self.libraries) == 0: event.log_event('scan_progress_update', self, 100) return # no libraries, no need to scan :) self._scanning = True self._scan_stopped = False self.file_count = -1 # negative means we dont know it yet self.__count_files() scan_interval = 20 for library in self.libraries.itervalues(): if ( not force_update and startup_only and not (library.monitored and library.startup_scan) ): continue event.add_callback(self._progress_update, 'tracks_scanned', library) library.rescan(notify_interval=scan_interval, force_update=force_update) event.remove_callback(self._progress_update, 'tracks_scanned', library) self._running_total_count += self._running_count if self._scan_stopped: break else: # didnt break try: if self.location is not None: self.save_to_location() except AttributeError: logger.exception("Exception occurred while saving") event.log_event('scan_progress_update', self, 100) self._running_total_count = 0 self._running_count = 0 self._scanning = False self.file_count = -1
@common.threaded def __count_files(self): file_count = 0 for library in self.libraries.values(): if self._scan_stopped: self._scanning = False return file_count += library._count_files() self.file_count = file_count logger.debug("File count: %s", self.file_count) def _progress_update(self, type, library, count): """ Called when a progress update should be emitted while scanning tracks """ self._running_count = count count = count + self._running_total_count if self.file_count < 0: event.log_event('scan_progress_update', self, 0) return try: event.log_event( 'scan_progress_update', self, int((float(count) / float(self.file_count)) * 100), ) except ZeroDivisionError: pass
[docs] def serialize_libraries(self): """ Save information about libraries Called whenever the library's settings are changed """ _serial_libraries = [] for k, v in self.libraries.iteritems(): l = {} l['location'] = v.location l['monitored'] = v.monitored l['realtime'] = v.monitored l['scan_interval'] = v.scan_interval l['startup_scan'] = v.startup_scan _serial_libraries.append(l) return _serial_libraries
[docs] def unserialize_libraries(self, _serial_libraries): """ restores libraries from their serialized state. Should only be called once, from the constructor. """ for l in _serial_libraries: self.add_library( Library( l['location'], l.get('monitored', l.get('realtime')), l['scan_interval'], l.get('startup_scan', True), ) )
_serial_libraries = property(serialize_libraries, unserialize_libraries)
[docs] def close(self): """ close the collection. does any work like saving to disk, closing network connections, etc. """ # TODO: make close() part of trackdb COLLECTIONS.remove(self)
def delete_tracks(self, tracks): for tr in tracks: for prefix, lib in self.libraries.iteritems(): lib.delete(tr.get_loc_for_io())
class LibraryMonitor(GObject.GObject): """ Monitors library locations for changes """ __gproperties__ = { 'monitored': ( GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'monitoring state', 'Whether to monitor this library', False, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE, ) } __gsignals__ = { 'location-added': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [Gio.File]), 'location-removed': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [Gio.File]), } def __init__(self, library): """ :param library: the library to monitor :type library: :class:`Library` """ GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.__library = library self.__root = Gio.File.new_for_uri(library.location) self.__monitored = False self.__monitors = {} self.__queue = {} self.__lock = threading.RLock() def do_get_property(self, property): """ Gets GObject properties """ if == 'monitored': return self.__monitored else: raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % def do_set_property(self, property, value): """ Sets GObject properties """ if == 'monitored': if value != self.__monitored: self.__monitored = value update_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__update_monitors) update_thread.daemon = True GLib.idle_add(update_thread.start) else: raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % def __update_monitors(self): """ Sets up or removes library monitors """ with self.__lock: if self.props.monitored: logger.debug('Setting up library monitors') for directory in common.walk_directories(self.__root): monitor = directory.monitor_directory( Gio.FileMonitorFlags.NONE, None ) monitor.connect('changed', self.on_location_changed) self.__monitors[directory] = monitor self.emit('location-added', directory) else: logger.debug('Removing library monitors') for directory, monitor in self.__monitors.iteritems(): monitor.cancel() self.emit('location-removed', directory) self.__monitors = {} def __process_change_queue(self, gfile): if gfile in self.__queue: added_tracks = trax.util.get_tracks_from_uri(gfile.get_uri()) for tr in added_tracks: tr.read_tags() self.__library.collection.add_tracks(added_tracks) del self.__queue[gfile] def on_location_changed(self, monitor, gfile, other_gfile, event): """ Updates the library on changes of the location """ if event == Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CHANGES_DONE_HINT: self.__process_change_queue(gfile) elif ( event == Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CREATED or event == Gio.FileMonitorEvent.CHANGED ): # Enqueue tracks retrieval if gfile not in self.__queue: self.__queue[gfile] = True # File monitor only emits the DONE_HINT when using inotify, # and only on single files. Give it some time, but don't # lose the change notification GLib.timeout_add(500, self.__process_change_queue, gfile) # Set up new monitor if directory fileinfo = gfile.query_info( 'standard::type', Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None ) if ( fileinfo.get_file_type() == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY and gfile not in self.__monitors ): for directory in common.walk_directories(gfile): monitor = directory.monitor_directory( Gio.FileMonitorFlags.NONE, None ) monitor.connect('changed', self.on_location_changed) self.__monitors[directory] = monitor self.emit('location-added', directory) elif event == Gio.FileMonitorEvent.DELETED: removed_tracks = [] track = trax.Track(gfile.get_uri()) if track in self.__library.collection: # Deleted file was a regular track removed_tracks += [track] else: # Deleted file was most likely a directory for track in self.__library.collection: track_gfile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(track.get_loc_for_io()) if track_gfile.has_prefix(gfile): removed_tracks += [track] self.__library.collection.remove_tracks(removed_tracks) # Remove obsolete monitors removed_directories = [ d for d in self.__monitors if d == gfile or d.has_prefix(gfile) ] for directory in removed_directories: self.__monitors[directory].cancel() del self.__monitors[directory] self.emit('location-removed', directory)
[docs]class Library(object): """ Scans and watches a folder for tracks, and adds them to a Collection. Simple usage: >>> from xl.collection import * >>> c = Collection("TestCollection") >>> l = Library("./tests/data") >>> c.add_library(l) >>> l.rescan() True >>> print(c.get_libraries()[0].location) ./tests/data >>> print(len(list('artist="TestArtist"')))) 5 >>> """ def __init__(self, location, monitored=False, scan_interval=0, startup_scan=False): """ Sets up the Library :param location: the directory this library will scan :type location: string :param monitored: whether the library should update its collection at changes within the library's path :type monitored: bool :param scan_interval: the interval for automatic rescanning :type scan_interval: int """ self.location = location self.scan_interval = scan_interval self.scan_id = None self.scanning = False self._startup_scan = startup_scan self.monitor = LibraryMonitor(self) self.monitor.props.monitored = monitored self.collection = None self.set_rescan_interval(scan_interval)
[docs] def set_location(self, location): """ Changes the location of this Library :param location: the new location to use :type location: string """ self.location = location
[docs] def get_location(self): """ Gets the current location associated with this Library :return: the current location :rtype: string """ return self.location
def set_collection(self, collection): self.collection = collection
[docs] def get_monitored(self): """ Whether the library should be monitored for changes """ return self.monitor.props.monitored
[docs] def set_monitored(self, monitored): """ Enables or disables monitoring of the library :param monitored: Whether to monitor the library :type monitored: bool """ self.monitor.props.monitored = monitored self.collection.serialize_libraries() self.collection._dirty = True
monitored = property(get_monitored, set_monitored)
[docs] def get_rescan_interval(self): """ :return: the scan interval in seconds """ return self.scan_interval
[docs] def set_rescan_interval(self, interval): """ Sets the scan interval in seconds. If the interval is 0 seconds, the scan interval is stopped :param interval: scan interval in seconds :type interval: int """ if self.scan_id: GLib.source_remove(self.scan_id) self.scan_id = None if interval: self.scan_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(interval, self.rescan) self.scan_interval = interval
def get_startup_scan(self): return self._startup_scan def set_startup_scan(self, value): self._startup_scan = value self.collection.serialize_libraries() self.collection._dirty = True startup_scan = property(get_startup_scan, set_startup_scan) def _count_files(self): """ Counts the number of files present in this directory """ count = 0 for file in common.walk(Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.location)): if self.collection: if self.collection._scan_stopped: break count += 1 return count def _check_compilation(self, ccheck, compilations, tr): """ This is the hacky way to test to see if a particular track is a part of a compilation. Basically, if there is more than one track in a directory that has the same album but different artist, we assume that it's part of a compilation. :param ccheck: dictionary for internal use :param compilations: if a compilation is found, it'll be appended to this list :param tr: the track to check """ # check for compilations if not settings.get_option('collection/file_based_compilations', True): return def joiner(value): if not value or isinstance(value, basestring): return value else: try: return u"\u0000".join(value) except UnicodeDecodeError: return "\0".join(value) try: basedir = joiner(tr.get_tag_raw('__basedir')) album = joiner(tr.get_tag_raw('album')) artist = joiner(tr.get_tag_raw('artist')) except Exception: logger.warning("Error while checking for compilation: %s", tr) return if not basedir or not album or not artist: return album = album.lower() artist = artist.lower() try: if basedir not in ccheck: ccheck[basedir] = {} if album not in ccheck[basedir]: ccheck[basedir][album] = deque() except TypeError: logger.exception("Error adding to compilation") return if ccheck[basedir][album] and artist not in ccheck[basedir][album]: if not (basedir, album) in compilations: compilations.append((basedir, album)) logger.debug("Compilation %r detected in %r", album, basedir) ccheck[basedir][album].append(artist)
[docs] def update_track(self, gloc, force_update=False): """ Rescan the track at a given location :param gloc: the location :type gloc: :class:`Gio.File` :param force_update: Force update of file (default only updates file when mtime has changed) returns: the Track object, None if it could not be updated """ uri = gloc.get_uri() if not uri: # we get segfaults if this check is removed return None tr = self.collection.get_track_by_loc(uri) if tr: tr.read_tags(force=force_update) else: tr = trax.Track(uri) if tr._scan_valid: self.collection.add(tr) # Track already existed. This fixes trax.get_tracks_from_uri # on windows, unknown why fix isnt needed on linux. elif not tr._init: self.collection.add(tr) return tr
[docs] def rescan(self, notify_interval=None, force_update=False): """ Rescan the associated folder and add the contained files to the Collection """ # TODO: use gio's cancellable support if self.collection is None: return True if self.scanning: return"Scanning library: %s", self.location) self.scanning = True libloc = Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.location) count = 0 dirtracks = deque() compilations = deque() ccheck = {} for fil in common.walk(libloc): count += 1 type = fil.query_info( "standard::type", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None ).get_file_type() if type == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY: if dirtracks: for tr in dirtracks: self._check_compilation(ccheck, compilations, tr) for (basedir, album) in compilations: base = basedir.replace('"', '\\"') alb = album.replace('"', '\\"') items = [ tr for tr in dirtracks if tr.get_tag_raw('__basedir') == base and # FIXME: this is ugly alb in "".join(tr.get_tag_raw('album') or []).lower() ] for item in items: item.set_tag_raw('__compilation', (basedir, album)) dirtracks = deque() compilations = deque() ccheck = {} elif type == Gio.FileType.REGULAR: tr = self.update_track(fil, force_update=force_update) if not tr: continue if dirtracks is not None: dirtracks.append(tr) # do this so that if we have, say, a 4000-song folder # we dont get bogged down trying to keep track of them # for compilation detection. Most albums have far fewer # than 110 tracks anyway, so it is unlikely that this # restriction will affect the heuristic's accuracy. # 110 was chosen to accomodate "top 100"-style # compilations. if len(dirtracks) > 110: logger.debug( "Too many files, skipping " "compilation detection heuristic for %s", fil.get_uri(), ) dirtracks = None if self.collection and self.collection._scan_stopped: self.scanning = False"Scan canceled") return # progress update if notify_interval is not None and count % notify_interval == 0: event.log_event('tracks_scanned', self, count) # final progress update if notify_interval is not None: event.log_event('tracks_scanned', self, count) removals = deque() for tr in self.collection.tracks.itervalues(): tr = tr._track loc = tr.get_loc_for_io() if not loc: continue gloc = Gio.File.new_for_uri(loc) try: if not gloc.has_prefix(libloc): continue except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.exception("Error decoding file location") continue if not gloc.query_exists(None): removals.append(tr) for tr in removals: logger.debug(u"Removing %s", unicode(tr)) self.collection.remove(tr)"Scan completed: %s", self.location) self.scanning = False
[docs] def add(self, loc, move=False): """ Copies (or moves) a file into the library and adds it to the collection """ oldgloc = Gio.File.new_for_uri(loc) newgloc = Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.location).resolve_relative_path( oldgloc.get_basename() ) if move: oldgloc.move(newgloc) else: oldgloc.copy(newgloc) tr = trax.Track(newgloc.get_uri()) if tr._scan_valid: self.collection.add(tr)
[docs] def delete(self, loc): """ Deletes a file from the disk .. warning:: This permanently deletes the file from the hard disk. """ tr = self.collection.get_track_by_loc(loc) if tr: self.collection.remove(tr) loc = tr.get_loc_for_io() file = Gio.File.new_for_uri(loc) if not file.delete(): logger.warning("Could not delete file %s.", loc)
# the below are not essential for 0.3.0, should be implemented only # if time allows for it def set_layout(self, layout, default="Unknown"): pass def organize(self): pass def keep_organized(self, bool): pass def get_freespace(self): pass def get_totalspace(self): pass def get_usedspace(self): pass def get_usedspace_percent(self): pass
class TransferQueue(object): def __init__(self, library): self.library = library self.queue = [] self.current_pos = -1 self.transferring = False self._stop = False def enqueue(self, tracks): self.queue.extend(tracks) def dequeue(self, tracks): if self.transferring: # FIXME: use a proper exception, and make this only error on # tracks that have already been transferred raise Exception("Cannot remove tracks while transferring") for t in tracks: try: self.queue.remove(t) except ValueError: pass def transfer(self): """ Tranfer the queued tracks to the library. This is NOT asynchronous """ self.transferring = True self.current_pos += 1 try: while self.current_pos < len(self.queue) and not self._stop: track = self.queue[self.current_pos] loc = track.get_loc_for_io() self.library.add(loc) # TODO: make this be based on filesize not count progress = self.current_pos * 100 / len(self.queue) event.log_event('track_transfer_progress', self, progress) self.current_pos += 1 finally: self.queue = [] self.transferring = False self.current_pos = -1 self._stop = False event.log_event('track_transfer_progress', self, 100) def cancel(self): """ Cancel the current transfer """ # TODO: make this stop mid-file as well? self._stop = True # vim: et sts=4 sw=4