Source code for xl.playlist

# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission
# for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and
# distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is
# above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which
# Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to
# do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
# from your version.

Provides the fundamental objects for handling a list of tracks contained
in playlists as well as methods to import and export from various file formats.

from gi.repository import Gio

from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
import operator
import os
import pickle
import random
import re
import time
from typing import NamedTuple
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request

from xl import common, dynamic, event, main, providers, settings, trax, xdg
from xl.common import GioFileInputStream, GioFileOutputStream, MetadataList
from xl.nls import gettext as _
from xl.metadata.tags import tag_data

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class InvalidPlaylistTypeError(Exception):

class PlaylistExists(Exception):

class UnknownPlaylistTrackError(Exception):

class PlaylistExportOptions(NamedTuple):
    relative: bool

def encode_filename(filename: str):
    Converts a file name into a valid filename most
    likely to not cause problems on any platform.

    :param filename: the name of the file
    :type filename: string
    # list of invalid chars that need to be encoded
    # Note: '%' is the prefix for encoded chars so blacklist it too
    blacklist = r'<>:"/\|?*%'

    def encode_char(c):
        return '%' + hex(ord(c))[2:] if c in blacklist else c

    # encode any blacklisted chars
    filename = ''.join(map(encode_char, filename)) + '.playlist'

    return filename

def is_valid_playlist(path):
    Returns whether the file at a given path is a valid
    playlist. Checks for content type and falls back to
    file extension if unknown.

    :param path: the source path
    :type path: string
    content_type = Gio.content_type_guess(path)[0]

    if not Gio.content_type_is_unknown(content_type):
        for provider in providers.get('playlist-format-converter'):
            if content_type in provider.content_types:
                return True

    file_extension = path.split('.')[-1]

    for provider in providers.get('playlist-format-converter'):
        if file_extension in provider.file_extensions:
            return True

    return False

def import_playlist(path):
    Determines the type of playlist and creates
    a playlist from it

    :param path: the source path
    :type path: string
    :returns: the playlist
    :rtype: :class:`Playlist`
    # First try the cheap Gio way
    content_type = Gio.content_type_guess(path)[0]

    if not Gio.content_type_is_unknown(content_type):
        for provider in providers.get('playlist-format-converter'):
            if content_type in provider.content_types:
                return provider.import_from_file(path)

    # Next try to extract the file extension via URL parsing
    file_extension = urllib.parse.urlparse(path).path.split('.')[-1]

    for provider in providers.get('playlist-format-converter'):
        if file_extension in provider.file_extensions:
            return provider.import_from_file(path)

    # Last try the expensive Gio way (downloads the data for inspection)
    content_type = (

    if content_type:
        for provider in providers.get('playlist-format-converter'):
            if content_type in provider.content_types:
                return provider.import_from_file(path)

    raise InvalidPlaylistTypeError(_('Invalid playlist type.'))

def export_playlist(playlist, path, options=None):
    Exact same as @see import_playlist except
    it exports
    file_extension = path.split('.')[-1]

    if hasattr(playlist, 'get_playlist'):
        playlist = playlist.get_playlist()
        if playlist is None:
            raise InvalidPlaylistTypeError(
                "SmartPlaylist not associated with a collection"

    for provider in providers.get('playlist-format-converter'):
        if file_extension in provider.file_extensions:
            provider.export_to_file(playlist, path, options)
        raise InvalidPlaylistTypeError(_('Invalid playlist type.'))

[docs]class FormatConverter: """ Base class for all converters allowing to import from and export to a specific format """ title = _('Playlist') content_types = [] file_extensions = property(lambda self: []) def __init__(self, name): = name
[docs] def export_to_file(self, playlist, path, options=None): """ Export a playlist to a given path :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param path: the target path :type path: string :param options: exporting options :type options: :class:`PlaylistExportOptions` """ pass
[docs] def import_from_file(self, path): """ Import a playlist from a given path :param path: the source path :type path: string :returns: the playlist :rtype: :class:`Playlist` """ pass
[docs] def name_from_path(self, path): """ Convenience method to retrieve a sane name from a path :param path: the source path :type path: string :returns: a name :rtype: string """ gfile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(path) name = gfile.get_basename() for extension in self.file_extensions: if name.endswith(extension): # Remove known extension return name[: -len(extension) - 1] return name
def get_track_import_path(self, playlist_path, track_path): """ Retrieves the import path of a track :param playlist_path: the import path of the playlist :type playlist_path: string :param track_path: the path of the track :type track_path: string """ playlist_uri = Gio.File.new_for_uri(playlist_path).get_uri() # Track path will not be changed if it already is a fully qualified URL track_uri = urllib.parse.urljoin(playlist_uri, track_path.replace('\\', '/')) logging.debug('Importing track: %s' % track_uri) # Now, let's be smart about importing the file/playlist. If the # original URI cannot be found and its a local path, then do a # small search for the track relative to the playlist to see # if it can be found. # TODO: Scan collection for tracks as last resort?? if track_uri.startswith('file:///') and not Gio.File.new_for_uri( track_uri ).query_exists(None): if not playlist_uri.startswith('file:///'): logging.debug('Track does not seem to exist, using original path') else: logging.debug( 'Track does not seem to exist, trying different path combinations' ) def _iter_uris(pp, tp): pps = pp[len('file:///') :].split('/') tps = tp.strip().replace('\\', '/').split('/') # handle absolute paths correctly if tps[0] == '': tps = tps[1:] # iterate the playlist path a/b/c/d, a/b/c, a/b, ... for p in range(len(pps) - 1, 0, -1): ppp = 'file:///%s' % '/'.join(pps[0:p]) # iterate the file path d, c/d, b/c/d, ... for t in range(len(tps) - 1, -1, -1): yield '%s/%s' % (ppp, '/'.join(tps[t : len(tps)])) for uri in _iter_uris(playlist_uri, track_path): logging.debug('Trying %s' % uri) if Gio.File.new_for_uri(uri).query_exists(None): track_uri = uri logging.debug('Track found at %s' % uri) break return track_uri def get_track_export_path( self, playlist_path: str, track_path: str, options: PlaylistExportOptions ): """ Retrieves the export path of a track, possibly influenced by options :param playlist_path: the export path of the playlist :param track_path: the path of the track :param options: options """ if options is not None and options.relative: playlist_file = Gio.File.new_for_uri(playlist_path) # Strip playlist filename from export path export_path = playlist_file.get_parent().get_uri() try: export_path_components = urllib.parse.urlparse(export_path) track_path_components = urllib.parse.urlparse(track_path) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # None, empty path pass else: # Only try to retrieve relative paths for tracks with # the same URI scheme and location as the playlist if ( export_path_components.scheme == track_path_components.scheme and export_path_components.netloc == track_path_components.netloc ): # Gio.File.get_relative_path does not generate relative paths # for tracks located above the playlist in the path hierarchy, # thus process both paths as done here track_path = os.path.relpath( track_path_components.path, export_path_components.path ) # if the file is local, other players like VLC will not # accept the playlist if they have %20 in them, so we must convert # it to something else return urllib.request.url2pathname(track_path)
[docs]class M3UConverter(FormatConverter): """ Import from and export to M3U format """ title = _('M3U Playlist') content_types = ['audio/x-mpegurl', 'audio/mpegurl'] def __init__(self): FormatConverter.__init__(self, 'm3u') def export_to_file(self, playlist, path, options=None): """ Export a playlist to a given path :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param path: the target path :type path: string :param options: exporting options :type options: :class:`PlaylistExportOptions` """ with GioFileOutputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: stream.write('#EXTM3U\n') if stream.write('#PLAYLIST: {name}\n'.format( for track in playlist: title = [ track.get_tag_display('title', join=True), track.get_tag_display('artist', join=True), ] length = int(round(float(track.get_tag_raw('__length') or -1))) track_path = track.get_loc_for_io() track_path = self.get_track_export_path(path, track_path, options) stream.write( '#EXTINF:{length},{title}\n{path}\n'.format( length=length, title=' - '.join(title), path=track_path, ) ) def import_from_file(self, path): """ Import a playlist from a given path :param path: the source path :type path: string :returns: the playlist :rtype: :class:`Playlist` """ playlist = Playlist(name=self.name_from_path(path)) extinf = {} lineno = 0 logger.debug('Importing M3U playlist: %s', path) with GioFileInputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: for line in stream: lineno += 1 line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.upper().startswith('#PLAYLIST: '): = line[len('#PLAYLIST: ') :] elif line.startswith('#EXTINF:'): extinf_line = line[len('#EXTINF:') :] parts = extinf_line.split(',', 1) length = 0 if len(parts) > 1 and int(parts[0]) > 0: length = int(float(parts[0])) extinf['__length'] = length parts = parts[-1].rsplit(' - ', 1) extinf['title'] = parts[-1] if len(parts) > 1: extinf['artist'] = parts[0] elif line.startswith('#'): continue else: track = trax.Track(self.get_track_import_path(path, line)) if extinf: for tag, value in extinf.items(): if track.get_tag_raw(tag) is None: try: track.set_tag_raw(tag, value) except Exception as e: # Python 3: raise UnknownPlaylistTrackError() from e # Python 2: .. no good solution raise UnknownPlaylistTrackError( "line %s: %s" % (lineno, e) ) playlist.append(track) extinf = {} return playlist
providers.register('playlist-format-converter', M3UConverter())
[docs]class PLSConverter(FormatConverter): """ Import from and export to PLS format """ title = _('PLS Playlist') content_types = ['audio/x-scpls'] def __init__(self): FormatConverter.__init__(self, 'pls') def export_to_file(self, playlist, path, options=None): """ Export a playlist to a given path :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param path: the target path :type path: string :param options: exporting options :type options: :class:`PlaylistExportOptions` """ from configparser import RawConfigParser pls_playlist = RawConfigParser() pls_playlist.optionxform = str # Make case sensitive pls_playlist.add_section('playlist') pls_playlist.set('playlist', 'NumberOfEntries', len(playlist)) for index, track in enumerate(playlist): position = index + 1 title = [ track.get_tag_display('title', join=True), track.get_tag_display('artist', join=True), ] length = max(-1, int(round(float(track.get_tag_raw('__length') or -1)))) track_path = track.get_loc_for_io() track_path = self.get_track_export_path(path, track_path, options) pls_playlist.set('playlist', 'File%d' % position, track_path) pls_playlist.set('playlist', 'Title%d' % position, ' - '.join(title)) pls_playlist.set('playlist', 'Length%d' % position, length) pls_playlist.set('playlist', 'Version', 2) with GioFileOutputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: pls_playlist.write(stream) def import_from_file(self, path): """ Import a playlist from a given path :param path: the source path :type path: string :returns: the playlist :rtype: :class:`Playlist` """ from configparser import ( RawConfigParser, MissingSectionHeaderError, NoOptionError, ) pls_playlist = RawConfigParser() gfile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(path) logger.debug('Importing PLS playlist: %s', path) try: with GioFileInputStream(gfile) as stream: pls_playlist.readfp(stream) except MissingSectionHeaderError: # Most likely version 1, thus only a list of URIs playlist = Playlist(self.name_from_path(path)) with GioFileInputStream(gfile) as stream: for line in stream: line = line.strip() if not line: continue track = trax.Track(self.get_track_import_path(path, line)) if track.get_tag_raw('title') is None: track.set_tag_raw( 'title', common.sanitize_url(self.name_from_path(line)) ) playlist.append(track) return playlist if not pls_playlist.has_section('playlist'): raise InvalidPlaylistTypeError(_('Invalid format for %s.') % self.title) if not pls_playlist.has_option('playlist', 'version'): logger.warning('No PLS version specified, ' 'assuming 2. [%s]', path) pls_playlist.set('playlist', 'version', 2) version = pls_playlist.getint('playlist', 'version') if version != 2: raise InvalidPlaylistTypeError( _('Unsupported version %(version)s for %(type)s') % {'version': version, 'type': self.title} ) if not pls_playlist.has_option('playlist', 'numberofentries'): raise InvalidPlaylistTypeError(_('Invalid format for %s.') % self.title) # PLS playlists store no name, thus retrieve from path playlist = Playlist(common.sanitize_url(self.name_from_path(path))) numberofentries = pls_playlist.getint('playlist', 'numberofentries') for position in range(1, numberofentries + 1): try: uri = pls_playlist.get('playlist', 'file%d' % position) except NoOptionError: continue track = trax.Track(self.get_track_import_path(path, uri)) title = artist = None length = 0 try: title = pls_playlist.get('playlist', 'title%d' % position) except NoOptionError: title = common.sanitize_url(self.name_from_path(uri)) else: title = title.split(' - ', 1) if len(title) > 1: # "Artist - Title" artist, title = title else: title = title[0] try: length = pls_playlist.getint('playlist', 'length%d' % position) except NoOptionError: pass if track.get_tag_raw('title') is None and title: track.set_tag_raw('title', title) if track.get_tag_raw('artist') is None and artist: track.set_tag_raw('artist', artist) if track.get_tag_raw('__length') is None: track.set_tag_raw('__length', max(0, length)) playlist.append(track) return playlist
providers.register('playlist-format-converter', PLSConverter())
[docs]class ASXConverter(FormatConverter): """ Import from and export to ASX format """ title = _('ASX Playlist') content_types = [ 'video/x-ms-asf', 'audio/x-ms-asx', 'audio/x-ms-wax', 'video/x-ms-wvx', ] file_extensions = ['asx', 'wax', 'wvx'] def __init__(self): FormatConverter.__init__(self, 'asx') def export_to_file(self, playlist, path, options=None): """ Export a playlist to a given path :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param path: the target path :type path: string :param options: exporting options :type options: :class:`PlaylistExportOptions` """ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape with GioFileOutputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: stream.write('<asx version="3.0">\n') stream.write(' <title>%s</title>\n' % escape( for track in playlist: stream.write(' <entry>\n') title = track.get_tag_raw('title', join=True) artist = track.get_tag_raw('artist', join=True) if title: stream.write(' <title>%s</title>\n' % escape(title)) if artist: stream.write(' <author>%s</author>\n' % escape(artist)) track_path = track.get_loc_for_io() track_path = self.get_track_export_path(path, track_path, options) stream.write(' <ref href="%s" />\n' % track_path) stream.write(' </entry>\n') stream.write('</asx>') def import_from_file(self, path): """ Import a playlist from a given path :param path: the source path :type path: string :returns: the playlist :rtype: :class:`Playlist` """ from xml.etree.cElementTree import XMLParser playlist = Playlist(self.name_from_path(path)) logger.debug('Importing ASX playlist: %s', path) with GioFileInputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: parser = XMLParser(target=self.ASXPlaylistParser()) parser.feed( try: playlistdata = parser.close() except Exception: pass else: if playlistdata['name']: = playlistdata['name'] for trackdata in playlistdata['tracks']: track = trax.Track( self.get_track_import_path(path, trackdata['uri']) ) ntags = {} for tag, value in trackdata['tags'].items(): if not track.get_tag_raw(tag) and value: ntags[tag] = value if ntags: track.set_tags(**ntags) playlist.append(track) return playlist class ASXPlaylistParser: """ Target for xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser, allows for parsing ASX playlists case-insensitive """ def __init__(self): self._stack = deque() self._playlistdata = {'name': None, 'tracks': []} self._trackuri = None self._trackdata = {} def start(self, tag, attributes): """ Checks the ASX version and stores the URI of the current track """ depth = len(self._stack) # Convert both tag and attributes to lowercase tag = tag.lower() attributes = {k.lower(): v for k, v in attributes.items()} if depth > 0: if depth == 2 and self._stack[-1] == 'entry' and tag == 'ref': self._trackuri = attributes.get('href', None) # Check root element and version elif tag != 'asx' or attributes.get('version', None) != '3.0': return self._stack.append(tag) def data(self, data): """ Stores track data and playlist name """ depth = len(self._stack) if depth > 0 and data: element = self._stack[-1] if depth == 3: # Only consider title and author for now if element == 'title': self._trackdata['title'] = data elif element == 'author': self._trackdata['artist'] = data elif depth == 2 and element == 'title': self._playlistdata['name'] = data def end(self, tag): """ Appends track data """ try: self._stack.pop() except IndexError: # Invalid playlist pass else: if tag.lower() == 'entry': # Only add track data if we have at least an URI if self._trackuri: self._playlistdata['tracks'].append( {'uri': self._trackuri, 'tags': self._trackdata.copy()} ) self._trackuri = None self._trackdata.clear() def close(self): """ Returns the playlist data including data of all successfully read tracks :rtype: dict """ return self._playlistdata
providers.register('playlist-format-converter', ASXConverter())
[docs]class XSPFConverter(FormatConverter): """ Import from and export to XSPF format """ title = _('XSPF Playlist') content_types = ['application/xspf+xml'] def __init__(self): FormatConverter.__init__(self, 'xspf') # TODO: support image tag for CoverManager self.tags = { 'title': 'title', 'creator': 'artist', 'album': 'album', 'trackNum': 'tracknumber', } def export_to_file(self, playlist, path, options=None): """ Export a playlist to a given path :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param path: the target path :type path: string :param options: exporting options :type options: :class:`PlaylistExportOptions` """ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape with GioFileOutputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: stream.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') stream.write('<playlist version="1" xmlns="">\n') if stream.write(' <title>%s</title>\n' % escape( stream.write(' <trackList>\n') for track in playlist: stream.write(' <track>\n') for element, tag in self.tags.items(): if not track.get_tag_raw(tag): continue stream.write( ' <%s>%s</%s>\n' % (element, escape(track.get_tag_raw(tag, join=True)), element) ) track_path = track.get_loc_for_io() track_path = self.get_track_export_path(path, track_path, options) stream.write(' <location>%s</location>\n' % escape(track_path)) stream.write(' </track>\n') stream.write(' </trackList>\n') stream.write('</playlist>\n') def import_from_file(self, path): """ Import a playlist from a given path :param path: the source path :type path: string :returns: the playlist :rtype: :class:`Playlist` """ # TODO: support content resolution import xml.etree.cElementTree as ETree playlist = Playlist(name=self.name_from_path(path)) logger.debug('Importing XSPF playlist: %s', path) with GioFileInputStream(Gio.File.new_for_uri(path)) as stream: tree = ETree.ElementTree(file=stream) ns = "{}" nodes = tree.find("%strackList" % ns).findall("%strack" % ns) titlenode = tree.find("%stitle" % ns) if titlenode is not None: = titlenode.text.strip() for n in nodes: location = n.find("%slocation" % ns).text.strip() track = trax.Track(self.get_track_import_path(path, location)) for element, tag in self.tags.items(): try: track.set_tag_raw( tag, n.find("%s%s" % (ns, element)).text.strip() ) except Exception: pass playlist.append(track) return playlist
providers.register('playlist-format-converter', XSPFConverter())
[docs]class Playlist: # TODO: how do we document events in sphinx? """ Basic class for handling a list of tracks EVENTS: (all events are synchronous) * playlist_tracks_added * fired: after tracks are added * data: list of tuples of (index, track) * playlist_tracks_removed * fired: after tracks are removed * data: list of tuples of (index, track) * playlist_current_position_changed * playlist_shuffle_mode_changed * playlist_random_mode_changed * playlist_dynamic_mode_changed """ #: Valid shuffle modes (list of string) shuffle_modes = ['disabled', 'track', 'album', 'random'] #: Titles of the valid shuffle modes (list of string) shuffle_mode_names = [ _('Shuffle _Off'), _('Shuffle _Tracks'), _('Shuffle _Albums'), _('_Random'), ] #: Valid repeat modes (list of string) repeat_modes = ['disabled', 'all', 'track'] #: Titles of the valid repeat modes (list of string) repeat_mode_names = [_('Repeat _Off'), _('Repeat _All'), _('Repeat O_ne')] #: Valid dynamic modes dynamic_modes = ['disabled', 'enabled'] #: Titles of the valid dynamic modes dynamic_mode_names = [_('Dynamic _Off'), _('Dynamic by Similar _Artists')] save_attrs = [ 'shuffle_mode', 'repeat_mode', 'dynamic_mode', 'current_position', 'name', ] __playlist_format_version = [2, 0] def __init__(self, name, initial_tracks=[]): """ :param name: the initial name of the playlist :type name: string :param initial_tracks: the tracks which shall populate the playlist initially :type initial_tracks: list of :class:`xl.trax.Track` """ self.__tracks = MetadataList() for track in initial_tracks: if not isinstance(track, trax.Track): raise ValueError("Need trax.Track object, got %r" % type(track)) self.__tracks.append(track) self.__shuffle_mode = self.shuffle_modes[0] self.__repeat_mode = self.repeat_modes[0] self.__dynamic_mode = self.dynamic_modes[0] # dirty: any change that would alter the on-disk # representation should set this # needs_save: changes to list content should set this. # Determines when the 'unsaved' indicator is shown to the user. self.__dirty = False self.__needs_save = False self.__name = name self.__next_data = None self.__current_position = -1 self.__spat_position = -1 self.__shuffle_history_counter = 1 # start positive so we can # just do an if directly on the value event.add_callback(self.on_playback_track_start, "playback_track_start") ### playlist-specific API ### def _set_name(self, name): self.__name = name self.__needs_save = self.__dirty = True event.log_event("playlist_name_changed", self, name) #: The playlist name (string) name = property(lambda self: self.__name, _set_name) #: Whether the playlist was changed or not (boolean) dirty = property(lambda self: self.__dirty)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Removes all contained tracks """ del self[:]
[docs] def get_current_position(self): """ Retrieves the current position within the playlist :returns: the position :rtype: int """ return self.__current_position
[docs] def set_current_position(self, position): """ Sets the current position within the playlist :param position: the new position :type position: int """ self.__next_data = None oldposition = self.__current_position if oldposition == position: return if position != -1: if position >= len(self.__tracks): raise IndexError("Cannot set position past end of playlist") self.__tracks.set_meta_key(position, "playlist_current_position", True) self.__current_position = position if oldposition != -1: try: self.__tracks.del_meta_key(oldposition, "playlist_current_position") except KeyError: pass self.__dirty = True event.log_event( "playlist_current_position_changed", self, (position, oldposition) )
#: The position within the playlist (int) current_position = property(get_current_position, set_current_position)
[docs] def get_spat_position(self): """ Retrieves the current position within the playlist after which progressing shall be stopped :returns: the position :rtype: int """ return self.__spat_position
[docs] def set_spat_position(self, position): """ Sets the current position within the playlist after which progressing shall be stopped :param position: the new position :type position: int """ self.__next_data = None oldposition = self.spat_position self.__tracks.set_meta_key(position, "playlist_spat_position", True) self.__spat_position = position if oldposition != -1: try: self.__tracks.del_meta_key(oldposition, "playlist_spat_position") except KeyError: pass self.__dirty = True event.log_event("playlist_spat_position_changed", self, (position, oldposition))
#: The position within the playlist after which to stop progressing (int) spat_position = property(get_spat_position, set_spat_position)
[docs] def get_current(self): """ Retrieves the track at the current position :returns: the track :rtype: :class:`xl.trax.Track` or None """ if self.current_position == -1: return None return self.__tracks[self.current_position]
current = property(get_current)
[docs] def get_shuffle_history(self): """ Retrieves the history of played tracks from a shuffle run :returns: the tracks :rtype: list """ return [ (i, self.__tracks[i]) for i in range(len(self)) if self.__tracks.get_meta_key(i, 'playlist_shuffle_history') ]
[docs] def clear_shuffle_history(self): """ Clear the history of played tracks from a shuffle run """ for i in range(len(self)): try: self.__tracks.del_meta_key(i, "playlist_shuffle_history") except Exception: pass
@common.threaded def __fetch_dynamic_tracks(self): dynamic.MANAGER.populate_playlist(self) def __next_random_track(self, current_position, mode="track"): """ Returns a valid next track if shuffle is activated based on random_mode """ if mode == "album": # TODO: we really need proper album-level operations in # xl.trax for this try: # Try and get the next track on the album # NB If the user starts the playlist from the middle # of the album some tracks of the album remain off the # tracks_history, and the album can be selected again # randomly from its first track if current_position == -1: raise IndexError curr = self[current_position] t = [ x for i, x in enumerate(self) if x.get_tag_raw('album') == curr.get_tag_raw('album') and i > current_position ] t = trax.sort_tracks(['discnumber', 'tracknumber'], t) return self.__tracks.index(t[0]), t[0] except IndexError: # Pick a new album hist = set(self.get_shuffle_history()) albums = set() for i, x in enumerate(self): if (i, x) in hist: continue alb = x.get_tag_raw('album') if alb: albums.add(tuple(alb)) if not albums: return -1, None album = list(random.choice(list(albums))) t = [x for x in self if x.get_tag_raw('album') == album] t = trax.sort_tracks(['tracknumber'], t) return self.__tracks.index(t[0]), t[0] elif mode == 'random': try: return random.choice( [(i, self.__tracks[i]) for i, tr in enumerate(self.__tracks)] ) except IndexError: return -1, None else: hist = {i for i, tr in self.get_shuffle_history()} try: return random.choice( [ (i, self.__tracks[i]) for i, tr in enumerate(self.__tracks) if i not in hist ] ) except IndexError: # no more tracks return -1, None def __get_next(self, current_position): # don't recalculate if self.__next_data is not None: return self.__next_data[2] repeat_mode = self.repeat_mode shuffle_mode = self.shuffle_mode if current_position == self.spat_position and current_position != -1: self.__next_data = (-1, None, None) return None if repeat_mode == 'track': self.__next_data = (None, None, self.current) return self.current next_index = -1 if shuffle_mode != 'disabled': if current_position != -1: self.__tracks.set_meta_key( current_position, "playlist_shuffle_history", self.__shuffle_history_counter, ) self.__shuffle_history_counter += 1 next_index, next = self.__next_random_track(current_position, shuffle_mode) if next is not None: self.__next_data = (None, next_index) else: self.clear_shuffle_history() else: try: next = self[current_position + 1] next_index = current_position + 1 except IndexError: next = None if next is None: if repeat_mode == 'all': if len(self) == 1: next = self[current_position] next_index = current_position if len(self) > 1: return self.__get_next(-1) self.__next_data = (None, next_index, next) return next def get_next(self): """ Retrieves the next track that will be played. Does not actually set the position. When you call next(), it should return the same track, even in random shuffle modes. This exists to support retrieving a track before it actually needs to be played, such as for pre-buffering. :returns: the next track to be played :rtype: :class:`xl.trax.Track` or None """ return self.__get_next(self.current_position)
[docs] def next(self): """ Progresses to the next track within the playlist and takes shuffle and repeat modes into account :returns: the new current track :rtype: :class:`xl.trax.Track` or None """ if not self.__next_data: self.__get_next(self.current_position) spat, index, next = self.__next_data if spat is not None: self.spat_position = -1 return None elif index is not None: try: self.current_position = index except IndexError: self.current_position = -1 else: self.__next_data = None return self.current
[docs] def prev(self): """ Progresses to the previous track within the playlist and takes shuffle and repeat modes into account :returns: the new current track :rtype: :class:`xl.trax.Track` or None """ repeat_mode = self.repeat_mode shuffle_mode = self.shuffle_mode if repeat_mode == 'track': return self.current if shuffle_mode != 'disabled': shuffle_hist, prev_index = max( (self.__tracks.get_meta_key(i, 'playlist_shuffle_history', 0), i) for i in range(len(self)) ) if shuffle_hist: self.current_position = prev_index self.__tracks.del_meta_key(prev_index, 'playlist_shuffle_history') else: position = self.current_position - 1 if position < 0: if repeat_mode == 'all': position = len(self) - 1 else: position = 0 if len(self) else -1 self.current_position = position return self.get_current()
### track advance modes ### # This code may look a little overkill, but it's this way to # maximize forwards-compatibility. get_ methods will not overwrite # currently-set modes which may be from a future version, while set_ # methods explicitly disallow modes not supported in this version. # This ensures that 1) saved modes are never clobbered unless a # known mode is to be set, and 2) the values returned in _mode will # always be supported in the running version. def __get_mode(self, modename): mode = getattr(self, "_Playlist__%s_mode" % modename) modes = getattr(self, "%s_modes" % modename) if mode in modes: return mode else: return modes[0] def __set_mode(self, modename, mode): modes = getattr(self, "%s_modes" % modename) if mode not in modes: raise TypeError("Mode %s is invalid" % mode) else: self.__dirty = True setattr(self, "_Playlist__%s_mode" % modename, mode) event.log_event("playlist_%s_mode_changed" % modename, self, mode)
[docs] def get_shuffle_mode(self): """ Retrieves the current shuffle mode :returns: the shuffle mode :rtype: string """ return self.__get_mode("shuffle")
[docs] def set_shuffle_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the current shuffle mode :param mode: the new shuffle mode :type mode: string """ self.__set_mode("shuffle", mode) if mode == 'disabled': self.clear_shuffle_history()
#: The current shuffle mode (string) shuffle_mode = property(get_shuffle_mode, set_shuffle_mode)
[docs] def get_repeat_mode(self): """ Retrieves the current repeat mode :returns: the repeat mode :rtype: string """ return self.__get_mode('repeat')
[docs] def set_repeat_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the current repeat mode :param mode: the new repeat mode :type mode: string """ self.__set_mode("repeat", mode)
#: The current repeat mode (string) repeat_mode = property(get_repeat_mode, set_repeat_mode)
[docs] def get_dynamic_mode(self): """ Retrieves the current dynamic mode :returns: the dynamic mode :rtype: string """ return self.__get_mode("dynamic")
[docs] def set_dynamic_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the current dynamic mode :param mode: the new dynamic mode :type mode: string """ self.__set_mode("dynamic", mode)
#: The current dynamic mode (string) dynamic_mode = property(get_dynamic_mode, set_dynamic_mode)
[docs] def randomize(self, positions=None): """ Randomizes the content of the playlist contrary to shuffle which affects only the progressing order By default all tracks in the playlist are randomized, but a list of positions can be passed. The tracks on these positions will be randomized, all other tracks will keep their positions. :param positions: list of track positions to randomize :type positions: iterable """ # Turn 2 lists into a list of tuples tracks = list(zip(self.__tracks, self.__tracks.metadata)) if positions: # For 2 items, simple swapping is most reasonable if len(positions) == 2: tracks[positions[0]], tracks[positions[1]] = ( tracks[positions[1]], tracks[positions[0]], ) else: # Extract items and shuffle them shuffle_tracks = [t for i, t in enumerate(tracks) if i in positions] random.shuffle(shuffle_tracks) # Put shuffled items back for position in positions: tracks[position] = shuffle_tracks.pop() else: random.shuffle(tracks) # Turn list of tuples into 2 tuples self[:] = MetadataList(*zip(*tracks))
[docs] def sort(self, tags, reverse=False): """ Sorts the content of the playlist :param tags: tags to sort by :type tags: list of strings :param reverse: whether the sorting shall be reversed :type reverse: boolean """ data = zip(self.__tracks, self.__tracks.metadata) data = trax.sort_tracks( tags, data, trackfunc=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=reverse ) l = MetadataList() l.extend([x[0] for x in data]) l.metadata = [x[1] for x in data] self[:] = l
# TODO[0.4?]: drop our custom disk playlist format in favor of an # extended XSPF playlist (using xml namespaces?). # TODO: add timeout saving support. 5-10 seconds after last change, # perhaps?
[docs] def save_to_location(self, location): """ Writes the content of the playlist to a given location :param location: the location to save to :type location: string """ new_location = location + ".new" with open(new_location, 'w') as f: for track in self.__tracks: loc = track.get_loc_for_io() meta = {} for tag in ('artist', 'album', 'tracknumber', 'title', 'genre', 'date'): value = track.get_tag_raw(tag, join=True) if value is not None: meta[tag] = value meta = urllib.parse.urlencode(meta) print(loc, meta, sep='\t', file=f) print('EOF', file=f) for attr in self.save_attrs: val = getattr(self, attr) try: configstr = settings.MANAGER._val_to_str(val) except ValueError: configstr = '' print('%s=%s' % (attr, configstr), file=f) os.replace(new_location, location) self.__needs_save = self.__dirty = False
[docs] def load_from_location(self, location): """ Loads the content of the playlist from a given location :param location: the location to load from :type location: string """ # note - this is not guaranteed to fire events when it sets # attributes. It is intended ONLY for initial setup, not for # reloading a playlist inline. f = None for loc in [location, location + ".new"]: try: f = open(loc, 'r') break except Exception: pass if not f: return locs = [] while True: line = f.readline() if line == "EOF\n" or line == "": break locs.append(line.strip()) items = {} while True: line = f.readline() if line == "": break try: item, strn = line[:-1].split("=", 1) except ValueError: continue # Skip erroneous lines val = settings.MANAGER._str_to_val(strn) items[item] = val ver = items.get("__playlist_format_version", [1]) if ver[0] == 1: if items.get("repeat_mode") == "playlist": items['repeat_mode'] = "all" elif ver[0] > self.__playlist_format_version[0]: raise IOError("Cannot load playlist, unknown format") elif ver > self.__playlist_format_version: logger.warning( "Playlist created on a newer Exaile version, some attributes may not be handled." ) f.close() trs = [] for loc in locs: meta = None if loc.find('\t') > -1: splitted = loc.split('\t') loc = "\t".join(splitted[:-1]) meta = splitted[-1] track = None track = trax.Track(uri=loc) # readd meta if not track: continue if not track.is_local() and meta is not None: meta = urllib.parse.parse_qs(meta) for k, v in meta.items(): track.set_tag_raw(k, v[0], notify_changed=False) trs.append(track) self.__tracks[:] = trs for item, val in items.items(): if item in self.save_attrs: try: setattr(self, item, val) except TypeError: # don't bail if we try to set an invalid mode logger.debug( "Got a TypeError when trying to set attribute %s to %s during playlist restore.", item, val, )
def reverse(self): # reverses current view pass ### list-like API methods ### # parts of this section are taken from # def __len__(self): return len(self.__tracks) def __contains__(self, track): return track in self.__tracks def __tuple_from_slice(self, i): """ Get (start, end, step) tuple from slice object. """ (start, end, step) = i.indices(len(self)) if i.step is None: step = 1 return (start, end, step) def __adjust_current_pos(self, oldpos, removed, added): newpos = oldpos for i, tr in removed: if i <= oldpos: newpos -= 1 for i, tr in added: if i <= newpos: newpos += 1 self.current_position = newpos def __getitem__(self, i): return self.__tracks.__getitem__(i) def __setitem__(self, i, value): oldtracks = self.__getitem__(i) removed = MetadataList() added = MetadataList() oldpos = self.current_position if isinstance(i, slice): for x in value: if not isinstance(x, trax.Track): raise ValueError("Need trax.Track object, got %r" % type(x)) (start, end, step) = self.__tuple_from_slice(i) if isinstance(value, MetadataList): metadata = value.metadata else: metadata = [None] * len(value) if step != 1: if len(value) != len(oldtracks): raise ValueError("Extended slice assignment must match sizes.") self.__tracks.__setitem__(i, value) removed = MetadataList( zip(range(start, end, step), oldtracks), oldtracks.metadata ) if step == 1: end = start + len(value) added = MetadataList(zip(range(start, end, step), value), metadata) else: if not isinstance(value, trax.Track): raise ValueError("Need trax.Track object, got %r" % type(value)) self.__tracks[i] = value removed = [(i, oldtracks)] added = [(i, value)] self.on_tracks_changed() if removed: event.log_event('playlist_tracks_removed', self, removed) if added: event.log_event('playlist_tracks_added', self, added) self.__adjust_current_pos(oldpos, removed, added) self.__needs_save = self.__dirty = True def __delitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, slice): (start, end, step) = self.__tuple_from_slice(i) oldtracks = self.__getitem__(i) oldpos = self.current_position self.__tracks.__delitem__(i) removed = MetadataList() if isinstance(i, slice): removed = MetadataList( zip(range(start, end, step), oldtracks), oldtracks.metadata ) else: removed = [(i, oldtracks)] self.on_tracks_changed() event.log_event('playlist_tracks_removed', self, removed) self.__adjust_current_pos(oldpos, removed, []) self.__needs_save = self.__dirty = True
[docs] def append(self, other): """ Appends a single track to the playlist Prefer extend() for batch updates, so that playlist_tracks_added is not emitted excessively. :param other: a :class:`xl.trax.Track` """ self[len(self) : len(self)] = [other]
[docs] def extend(self, other): """ Extends the playlist by another playlist :param other: list of :class:`xl.trax.Track` """ self[len(self) : len(self)] = other
[docs] def count(self, other): """ Returns the count of contained tracks :returns: the count :rtype: int """ return self.__tracks.count(other)
[docs] def index(self, item, start=0, end=None): """ Retrieves the index of a track within the playlist :returns: the index :rtype: int """ if end is None: return self.__tracks.index(item, start) else: return self.__tracks.index(item, start, end)
[docs] def pop(self, i=-1): """ Pops a track from the playlist :param i: the index :type i: int :returns: the track :rtype: :class:`xl.trax.Track` """ item = self[i] del self[i] return item
def on_playback_track_start(self, event_type, player, track): if player.queue is not None and player.queue.current_playlist == self: if self.dynamic_mode != 'disabled': self.__fetch_dynamic_tracks() def on_tracks_changed(self, *args): for idx in range(len(self.__tracks)): if self.__tracks.get_meta_key(idx, "playlist_current_position"): self.__current_position = idx break else: self.__current_position = -1 for idx in range(len(self.__tracks)): if self.__tracks.get_meta_key(idx, "playlist_spat_position"): self.__spat_position = idx break else: self.__spat_position = -1
class SmartPlaylist: """ Represents a Smart Playlist. This will query a collection object using a set of parameters Simple usage: >>> import xl.collection >>> col = xl.collection.Collection("Test Collection") >>> col.add_library(xl.collection.Library("./tests/data")) >>> col.rescan_libraries() >>> sp = SmartPlaylist(collection=col) >>> sp.add_param("artist", "==", "Delerium") >>> p = sp.get_playlist() >>> p[1]['album'][0] 'Chimera' >>> """ def __init__(self, name="", collection=None): """ Sets up a smart playlist @param collection: a reference to a TrackDB object. """ self.search_params = [] self.custom_params = [] self.collection = collection self.or_match = False self.track_count = -1 self.random_sort = False = name self.sort_tags = None self.sort_order = None def set_location(self, location): pass def get_name(self): return def set_name(self, name): = name def set_collection(self, collection): """ change the collection backing this playlist collection: the collection to use [Collection] """ self.collection = collection def set_random_sort(self, sort): """ If True, the tracks added during update() will be randomized @param sort: bool """ self.random_sort = sort self._dirty = True def get_random_sort(self): """ Returns True if this playlist will randomly be sorted """ return self.random_sort def set_return_limit(self, count): """ Sets the max number of tracks to return. @param count: number of tracks to return. Set to -1 to return all matched """ self.track_count = count self._dirty = True def get_return_limit(self): """ Returns the track count setting """ return self.track_count def set_sort_tags(self, tags, reverse): """ Control playlist sorting :param tags: List of tags to sort by :param reverse: Reverse the tracks after sorting """ self.sort_tags = tags self.sort_order = reverse def get_sort_tags(self): """ :returns: (list of tags, reverse) """ return self.sort_tags, self.sort_order def set_or_match(self, value): """ Set to True to make this an or match: match any of the parameters value: True to match any, False to match all params """ self.or_match = value self._dirty = True def get_or_match(self): """ Return if this is an any or and playlist """ return self.or_match def add_param(self, field, op, value, index=-1): """ Adds a search parameter. @param field: The field to operate on. [string] @param op: The operator. Valid operators are: >,<,>=,<=,=,!=,==,!==,>< (between) [string] @param value: The value to match against [string] @param index: Where to insert the parameter in the search order. -1 to append [int] """ if index: self.search_params.insert(index, [field, op, value]) else: self.search_params.append([field, op, value]) self._dirty = True def set_custom_param(self, param, index=-1): """ Adds an arbitrary search parameter, exposing the full power of the new search system to the user. param: the search query to use. [string] index: the index to insert at. default is append [int] """ if index: self.search_params.insert(index, param) else: self.search_params.append(param) self._dirty = True def remove_param(self, index): """ Removes a parameter at the speficied index index: the index of the parameter to remove """ self._dirty = True return self.search_params.pop(index) def get_playlist(self, collection=None): """ Generates a playlist by querying the collection @param collection: the collection to search (leave None to search internal ref) """ pl = Playlist( if not collection: collection = self.collection if not collection: # if there wasnt one set we might not have one return pl search_string, matchers = self._create_search_data(collection) matcher = trax.TracksMatcher(search_string, case_sensitive=False) # prepend for now, since it is likely to remove more tracks, and # smart playlists don't support mixed and/or expressions yet for m in matchers: matcher.prepend_matcher(m, self.or_match) trs = [t.track for t in trax.search_tracks(collection, [matcher])] if self.random_sort: random.shuffle(trs) else: order = False if self.sort_tags: order = self.sort_order sort_by = [self.sort_tags] + list(common.BASE_SORT_TAGS) else: sort_by = common.BASE_SORT_TAGS trs = trax.sort_tracks(sort_by, trs, reverse=order) if self.track_count > 0 and len(trs) > self.track_count: trs = trs[: self.track_count] pl.extend(trs) return pl def _create_search_data(self, collection): """ Creates a search string + matchers based on the internal params """ params = [] # parameter list matchers = [] # matchers list maximum = settings.get_option('rating/maximum', 5) durations = { 'seconds': lambda value: timedelta(seconds=value), 'minutes': lambda value: timedelta(minutes=value), 'hours': lambda value: timedelta(hours=value), 'days': lambda value: timedelta(days=value), 'weeks': lambda value: timedelta(weeks=value), } for param in self.search_params: if isinstance(param, str): params += [param] continue (field, op, value) = param fieldtype = tag_data.get(field) if fieldtype is not None: fieldtype = fieldtype.type s = "" if field == '__rating': value = 100.0 * value / maximum elif field == '__playlist': try: pl = main.exaile().playlists.get_playlist(value) except Exception: try: pl = ( main.exaile() .smart_playlists.get_playlist(value) .get_playlist(collection) ) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Loading %s: %s" % (, e)) if op == 'pin': matchers.append(trax.TracksInList(pl)) else: matchers.append(trax.TracksNotInList(pl)) continue elif fieldtype == 'timestamp': duration, unit = value delta = durations[unit](duration) point = - delta value = time.mktime(point.timetuple()) # fmt: off if op == ">=" or op == "<=": s += '( %(field)s%(op)s%(value)s ' \ '| %(field)s==%(value)s )' % \ { 'field': field, 'value': value, 'op': op[0] } elif op == "!=" or op == "!==" or op == "!~": s += '! %(field)s%(op)s"%(value)s"' % \ { 'field': field, 'value': value, 'op': op[1:] } elif op == "><": s += '( %(field)s>%(value1)s ' \ '%(field)s<%(value2)s )' % \ { 'field': field, 'value1': value[0], 'value2': value[1] } elif op == '<!==>': # NOT NULL s += '! %(field)s=="__null__"' % \ { 'field': field } elif op == '<==>': # IS NULL s += '%(field)s=="__null__"' % \ { 'field': field } elif op == 'w=': # contains word s += '%(field)s~"\\b%(value)s\\b"' % \ { 'field': field, 'value': re.escape(value), } elif op == '!w=': # does not contain word s += '! %(field)s~"\\b%(value)s\\b"' % \ { 'field': field, 'value': re.escape(value), } else: s += '%(field)s%(op)s"%(value)s"' % \ { 'field': field, 'value': value, 'op': op } # fmt: on params.append(s) if self.or_match: return ' | '.join(params), matchers else: return ' '.join(params), matchers def save_to_location(self, location): pdata = {} for item in [ 'search_params', 'custom_params', 'or_match', 'track_count', 'random_sort', 'name', 'sort_tags', 'sort_order', ]: pdata[item] = getattr(self, item) with open(location, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(pdata, fp) def load_from_location(self, location): try: with open(location, 'rb') as fp: pdata = pickle.load(fp) except Exception: return for item in pdata: if hasattr(self, item): setattr(self, item, pdata[item]) class PlaylistManager: """ Manages saving and loading of playlists """ def __init__(self, playlist_dir='playlists', playlist_class=Playlist): """ Initializes the playlist manager @param playlist_dir: the data dir to save playlists to @param playlist_class: the playlist class to use """ self.playlist_class = playlist_class self.playlist_dir = os.path.join(xdg.get_data_dirs()[0], playlist_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.playlist_dir): os.makedirs(self.playlist_dir) self.order_file = os.path.join(self.playlist_dir, 'order_file') self.playlists = [] self.load_names() def _create_playlist(self, name): return self.playlist_class(name=name) def has_playlist_name(self, playlist_name): """ Returns true if the manager has a playlist with the same name """ return playlist_name in self.playlists def save_playlist(self, pl, overwrite=False): """ Saves a playlist @param pl: the playlist @param overwrite: Set to [True] if you wish to overwrite a playlist should it happen to already exist """ name = if overwrite or name not in self.playlists: pl.save_to_location(os.path.join(self.playlist_dir, encode_filename(name))) if name not in self.playlists: self.playlists.append(name) # self.playlists.sort() self.save_order() else: raise PlaylistExists event.log_event('playlist_added', self, name) def remove_playlist(self, name): """ Removes a playlist from the manager, also physically deletes its @param name: the name of the playlist to remove """ if name in self.playlists: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.playlist_dir, encode_filename(name))) except OSError: pass self.playlists.remove(name) event.log_event('playlist_removed', self, name) def rename_playlist(self, playlist, new_name): """ Renames the playlist to new_name """ old_name = if old_name in self.playlists: self.remove_playlist(old_name) = new_name self.save_playlist(playlist) def load_names(self): """ Loads the names of the playlists from the order file """ # collect the names of all playlists in playlist_dir existing = [] for f in os.listdir(self.playlist_dir): # everything except the order file shold be a playlist, but # check against hidden files since some editors put # temporary stuff in the same dir. if f != os.path.basename(self.order_file) and not f.startswith("."): pl = self._create_playlist(f) path = os.path.join(self.playlist_dir, f) try: pl.load_from_location(path) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed loading playlist: %r", path) else: existing.append( # if order_file exists then use it if os.path.isfile(self.order_file): ordered_playlists = self.load_from_location(self.order_file) self.playlists = [n for n in ordered_playlists if n in existing] else: self.playlists = existing def get_playlist(self, name): """ Gets a playlist by name @param name: the name of the playlist you wish to retrieve """ if name in self.playlists: pl = self._create_playlist(name) pl.load_from_location( os.path.join(self.playlist_dir, encode_filename(name)) ) return pl else: raise ValueError("No such playlist '%s'" % name) def list_playlists(self): """ Returns all the contained playlist names """ return self.playlists[:] def move(self, playlist, position, after=True): """ Moves the playlist to where position is """ # Remove the playlist first playlist_index = self.playlists.index(playlist) self.playlists.pop(playlist_index) # insert it now after position position_index = self.playlists.index(position) if after: position_index = position_index + 1 self.playlists.insert(position_index, playlist) def save_order(self): """ Saves the order to the order file """ self.save_to_location(self.order_file) def save_to_location(self, location): """ Saves the names of the playlist to a file that is used to restore their order """ if os.path.exists(location): f = open(location + ".new", "w") else: f = open(location, "w") for playlist in self.playlists: f.write(playlist) f.write('\n') f.write("EOF\n") f.close() if os.path.exists(location + ".new"): os.remove(location) os.rename(location + ".new", location) def load_from_location(self, location): """ Loads the names of the playlist from a file. Their load order is their view order @return: a list of the playlist names """ f = None for loc in [location, location + ".new"]: try: f = open(loc, 'r') break except Exception: pass if f is None: return [] playlists = [] while True: line = f.readline() if line == "EOF\n" or line == "": break playlists.append(line[:-1]) f.close() return playlists class SmartPlaylistManager(PlaylistManager): """ Manages saving and loading of smart playlists """ def __init__(self, playlist_dir, playlist_class=SmartPlaylist, collection=None): """ Initializes a smart playlist manager @param playlist_dir: the data dir to save playlists to @param playlist_class: the playlist class to use @param collection: the default collection to use for searching """ self.collection = collection PlaylistManager.__init__( self, playlist_dir=playlist_dir, playlist_class=playlist_class ) def _create_playlist(self, name): # set a default collection so that get_playlist() always works return self.playlist_class(name=name, collection=self.collection) # vim: et sts=4 sw=4