Source code for xl.settings

# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission
# for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and
# distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is
# above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which
# Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to
# do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
# from your version.

    Central storage of application and user settings

import ast
from configparser import RawConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, ClassVar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from xl import event, xdg
from xl.common import VersionError, glib_wait, glib_wait_seconds
from xl.nls import gettext as _


[docs]class SettingsManager(RawConfigParser): """ Manages Exaile's settings """ VERSION: ClassVar[int] = 2 _last_serial: ClassVar[int] = 0 # xl.common.glib_wait needs instances of this class to be hashable to use # as key in its WeakKeyDictionary. We simply use an increasing serial # number as this hash. _serial: int def __init__(self, location=None, default_location=None): """ Sets up the settings manager. Expects a location to a file where settings will be stored. Also sets up periodic saves to disk. :param location: the location to save the settings to, settings will never be stored if this is None :type location: str or None :param default_location: the default location to initialize settings from """ RawConfigParser.__init__(self) self.location = location self._saving = False self._dirty = False self._serial = self.__class__._last_serial = self.__class__._last_serial + 1 if default_location is not None: try: except Exception: pass if location is not None: try: or self.location + ".new" ) or + ".old") except Exception: pass version = self.get_option('settings/version') if version and version > self.VERSION: raise VersionError(_('Settings version is newer than current.')) if version != self.VERSION: self.set_option('settings/version', self.VERSION) # save settings every 30 seconds if location is not None: self._timeout_save() def __hash__(self): return self._serial @glib_wait_seconds(30) def _timeout_save(self): """Save every 30 seconds""" return True def copy_settings(self, settings): """ Copies one all of the settings contained in this instance to another :param settings: the settings object to copy to :type settings: :class:`xl.settings.SettingsManager` """ for section in self.sections(): for (key, value) in self.items(section): settings._set_direct('%s/%s' % (section, key), value) def clone(self): """ Creates a copy of this settings object """ settings = SettingsManager(None) self.copy_settings(settings) return settings
[docs] def set_option(self, option, value, save=True): """ Set an option (in ``section/key`` syntax) to the specified value :param option: the full path to an option :type option: string :param value: the value the option should be assigned :type value: any :param save: If True, cause the settings to be written to file """ value = self._val_to_str(value) splitvals = option.split('/') section, key = "/".join(splitvals[:-1]), splitvals[-1] try: self.set(section, key, value) except NoSectionError: self.add_section(section) self.set(section, key, value) self._dirty = True if save: self.delayed_save() section = section.replace('/', '_') event.log_event('option_set', self, option) event.log_event('%s_option_set' % section, self, option)
[docs] def get_option(self, option: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """ Get the value of an option (in ``section/key`` syntax), returning *default* if the key does not exist yet :param option: the full path to an option :param default: a default value to use as fallback :returns: the option value or *default* """ splitvals = option.split('/') section, key = "/".join(splitvals[:-1]), splitvals[-1] try: value = self.get(section, key) value = self._str_to_val(value) except NoSectionError: value = default except NoOptionError: value = default return value
[docs] def has_option(self, option): """ Returns information about the existence of a particular option :param option: the option path :type option: string :returns: whether the option exists or not :rtype: bool """ splitvals = option.split('/') section, key = "/".join(splitvals[:-1]), splitvals[-1] return RawConfigParser.has_option(self, section, key)
[docs] def remove_option(self, option): """ Removes an option (in ``section/key`` syntax), thus will not be saved anymore :param option: the option path :type option: string """ splitvals = option.split('/') section, key = "/".join(splitvals[:-1]), splitvals[-1] RawConfigParser.remove_option(self, section, key)
def _set_direct(self, option, value): """ Sets the option directly to the value, only for use in copying settings. :param option: the option path :type option: string :param value: the value to set :type value: any """ splitvals = option.split('/') section, key = "/".join(splitvals[:-1]), splitvals[-1] try: self.set(section, key, value) except NoSectionError: self.add_section(section) self.set(section, key, value) event.log_event('option_set', self, option) def _val_to_str(self, value): """ Turns a value of some type into a string so it can be a configuration value. """ for kind, type_ in ( # bool is subclass of int so it must appear earlier ('B', bool), ('I', int), ('F', float), ('L', list), ('D', dict), ): if isinstance(value, type_): return '%s: %r' % (kind, value) if isinstance(value, str): return 'S: %s' % value # Not quoted, hence %s raise ValueError( "Don't know how to store setting %r of type %s" % (value, type(value)) ) def _str_to_val(self, configstr): """ Convert setting strings back to normal values. """ try: kind, value = configstr.split(': ', 1) except ValueError: return '' if kind == 'B': # Must appear before I return value == 'True' if kind in 'SU': # U is for backwards compatibility (Python 2 unicode) return value try: if kind == 'I': return int(value) if kind == 'F': return float(value) for kind in 'LD': return ast.literal_eval(value) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed decoding value %r of kind %s", value, kind) return value raise ValueError("Unknown type of setting on: %s", configstr) @glib_wait(500) def delayed_save(self): '''Save options after a delay, waiting for multiple saves to accumulate'''
[docs] def save(self): """ Save the settings to disk """ if self.location is None: logger.debug("Save requested but not saving settings, " "location is None") return if self._saving or not self._dirty: return self._saving = True logger.debug("Saving settings...") with open(self.location + ".new", 'w') as f: self.write(f) try: # make it readable by current user only, to protect private data os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 384) except Exception: pass # fail gracefully, eg if on windows f.flush() try: os.rename(self.location, self.location + ".old") except Exception: pass # if it doesn'texist we don't care os.rename(self.location + ".new", self.location) try: os.remove(self.location + ".old") except Exception: pass self._saving = False self._dirty = False
location = xdg.get_config_dir() # Provide a mechanism for setting up default settings for different platforms if sys.platform == 'win32': __settings_file = 'settings-win32.ini' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': __settings_file = 'settings-osx.ini' else: __settings_file = 'settings.ini' MANAGER = SettingsManager( os.path.join(location, "settings.ini"), xdg.get_config_path("settings.ini") ) get_option = MANAGER.get_option set_option = MANAGER.set_option # vim: et sts=4 sw=4