Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission
# for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and
# distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is
# above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which
# Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to
# do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
# from your version.

import time
import re
from typing import Collection

from xl.unicode import shave_marks

__all__ = ['TracksMatcher', 'search_tracks']

class SearchResultTrack:
    Holds a track with search result metadata included.

    :param track: The Track object

    __slots__ = ['track', 'on_tags']

    def __init__(self, track):
        self.track = track
        self.on_tags = []

class _Matcher:
    Base class for match conditions

    __slots__ = ['tag', 'content', 'lower']

    def __init__(self, tag, content, lower):
        self.tag = tag
        if content and not self.tag.startswith("__"):
            content = lower(content)
        self.content = content
        self.lower = lower

    def match(self, srtrack):
        vals = srtrack.track.get_tag_search(self.tag, format=False)
        if vals == '__null__':
            vals = None
        if not isinstance(vals, list):
            vals = [vals]

        for item in vals:
            if item is not None:
                item = self.lower(item)

            if self._matches(item):
                return True
        return False

    def _matches(self, value):
        raise NotImplementedError

class _ExactMatcher(_Matcher):
    Condition for exact matches

    def _matches(self, value):
        if self.tag.startswith("__"):
                newvalue = float(value)
                newcontent = float(self.content)
                return abs(newvalue - newcontent) < 0.0001
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                newvalue = value
                newcontent = self.content
            newvalue = value
            newcontent = self.content
        return newvalue == newcontent

class _InMatcher(_Matcher):
    Condition for inexact (ie. containing) matches

    def _matches(self, value):
        if not value:
            return False
            return self.content in value
        except TypeError:
            return False

class _RegexMatcher(_Matcher):
    Condition for regular expression matches

    def __init__(self, tag, content, lower):
        _Matcher.__init__(self, tag, content, lower)
        self._re = re.compile(content)

    def _matches(self, value):
        if not value:
            return False
            return is not None
        except TypeError:
            return False

class _GtMatcher(_Matcher):
    Condition for greater than matches.

    def _matches(self, value):
            value = float(value)
            content = float(self.content)  # kinda inefficient
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return False
        return value > content

class _LtMatcher(_Matcher):
    Condition for less than matches.

    def _matches(self, value):
            if value is None:
                value = 0
                value = float(value)
            content = float(self.content)  # kinda inefficient
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return False
        return value < content

class _NotMetaMatcher:
    Condition for boolean NOT

    __slots__ = ['matcher']
    tag = None

    def __init__(self, matcher):
        self.matcher = matcher

    def match(self, srtrack):
        return not self.matcher.match(srtrack)

class _OrMetaMatcher:
    Condition for boolean OR

    __slots__ = ['left', 'right']
    tag = None

    def __init__(self, left, right):
        self.left, self.right = left, right

    def match(self, srtrack):
        return self.left.match(srtrack) or self.right.match(srtrack)

class _MultiMetaMatcher:
    Condition for boolean AND

    __slots__ = ['matchers']
    tag = None

    def __init__(self, matchers):
        self.matchers = matchers

    def match(self, srtrack):
        for ma in self.matchers:
            if not ma.match(srtrack):
                return False
        return True

class _ManyMultiMetaMatcher:
    TODO: think of a proper docstring for this

    This handles the case where we want to match in an OR-like
    fashion, but also know which tags were matched. Useful for
    the collection panel expansion.

    __slots__ = ['matchers', 'tags']
    tag = None

    def __init__(self, matchers):
        self.matchers = matchers
        self.tags = set()

    def match(self, srtrack):
        self.tags = set()
        matched = False
        for ma in self.matchers:
            if ma.match(srtrack):
                if ma.tag:
                    matched = True
                elif hasattr(ma, 'tags') and ma.tags:
                    matched = True
        return matched

[docs]class TracksMatcher: """ Holds criteria and determines whether a given track matches those criteria. """ __slots__ = ['matchers', 'case_sensitive', 'keyword_tags'] def __init__(self, search_string, case_sensitive=True, keyword_tags=None): """ :param search_string: a string describing the match conditions :param case_sensitive: whether to search in a case-sensitive manner. :param keyword_tags: a list of tags to match search keywords in. """ self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive self.keyword_tags = keyword_tags or [] search_string = shave_marks(search_string) tokens = self.__tokenize_query(search_string) tokens = self.__red(tokens) tokens = self.__optimize_tokens(tokens) self.matchers = self.__tokens_to_matchers(tokens) def append_matcher(self, matcher, or_match=False): '''Here so you can use playlist matchers. Probably needs better impl''' if not or_match or len(self.matchers) == 0: self.matchers.append(matcher) else: self.matchers[-1] = _OrMetaMatcher(self.matchers[-1], matcher) def prepend_matcher(self, matcher, or_match=False): '''Here so you can use playlist matchers. Probably needs better impl''' if not or_match or len(self.matchers) == 0: self.matchers.insert(0, matcher) else: self.matchers[0] = _OrMetaMatcher(matcher, self.matchers[0]) def match(self, srtrack): """ Determine whether a given SearchResultTrack's internal Track object matches this search condition. """ for ma in self.matchers: if not ma.match(srtrack): break if ma.tag is not None: if ma.tag not in srtrack.on_tags: srtrack.on_tags.append(ma.tag) elif hasattr(ma, 'tags'): for t in ma.tags: if t not in srtrack.on_tags: srtrack.on_tags.append(t) else: return True return False def __tokens_to_matchers(self, tokens, matchers=None): """ Converts a token hierarchy to a list of matchers """ if not matchers: matchers = [] # if there's no more tokens, we're done try: token = tokens[0] except IndexError: return matchers # is it a special operator? if isinstance(token, list): if len(token) == 1: token = token[0] subtoken = token[0] # NOT if subtoken == "!": nots = self.__tokens_to_matchers(token[1]) matchers.append(_NotMetaMatcher(_MultiMetaMatcher(nots))) # OR elif subtoken == "|": left = self.__tokens_to_matchers([token[1][0]]) right = self.__tokens_to_matchers([token[1][1]]) matchers.append( _OrMetaMatcher(_MultiMetaMatcher(left), _MultiMetaMatcher(right)) ) # () elif subtoken == "(": inner = self.__tokens_to_matchers([token[1]]) matchers.append(_MultiMetaMatcher(inner)) else: return matchers elif token == '': pass # normal token else: if not self.case_sensitive: lower = lambda x: x.lower() else: lower = lambda x: x # TODO: this stuff is kinda repetitive, can we consolidate # it? Maybe move some of this into the matcher classes? # exact match in tag if "==" in token: tag, content = token.split("==", 1) if content == "__null__": content = None matcher = _ExactMatcher(tag, content, lower) matchers.append(matcher) # keyword in tag elif "=" in token: tag, content = token.split("=", 1) content = content.strip().strip('"') matcher = _InMatcher(tag, content, lower) matchers.append(matcher) elif ">" in token: tag, content = token.split(">", 1) content = content.strip().strip('"') matcher = _GtMatcher(tag, content, lower) matchers.append(matcher) elif "<" in token: tag, content = token.split("<", 1) content = content.strip().strip('"') matcher = _LtMatcher(tag, content, lower) matchers.append(matcher) elif "~" in token: tag, content = token.split("~", 1) content = content.strip().strip('"') matcher = _RegexMatcher(tag, content, lower) matchers.append(matcher) # plain keyword else: content = token.strip().strip('"') mmm = [] for tag in self.keyword_tags: matcher = _InMatcher(tag, content, lower) mmm.append(matcher) matchers.append(_ManyMultiMetaMatcher(mmm)) return self.__tokens_to_matchers(tokens[1:], matchers) def __tokenize_query(self, search): """ Turns a search string into a list of tokens. """ search = " " + search + " " tokens = [] newsearch = "" in_quotes = False in_regex = False n = 0 while n < len(search): c = search[n] if c == "\\": if not in_regex: n += 1 try: newsearch += search[n] except IndexError: pass elif in_quotes and c != "\"": newsearch += c elif c == "~": in_regex = True newsearch += c elif c == "\"": in_quotes = not in_quotes # toggle # newsearch += c elif c in ["|", "!", "(", ")"]: newsearch += c elif c == " ": in_regex = False tokens.append(newsearch) newsearch = "" else: newsearch += c n += 1 return tokens def __red(self, tokens): """ Turn the token list into a token list hierarchy that is easier to parse. """ # base case since we use recursion if tokens == []: return [] # handle parentheses elif "(" in tokens: num_found = 0 start = None end = None count = 0 for t in tokens: if t == "(": if start is None: start = count else: num_found += 1 elif t == ")": if end is None and num_found == 0: end = count else: num_found -= 1 if start and end: break count += 1 before = tokens[:start] inside = self.__red(tokens[start + 1 : end]) after = tokens[end + 1 :] tokens = before + [["(", inside]] + after # handle NOT elif "!" in tokens: start = tokens.index("!") end = start + 2 before = tokens[:start] inside = tokens[start + 1 : end] after = tokens[end:] tokens = before + [["!", inside]] + after # handle OR elif "|" in tokens: start = tokens.index("|") inside = [tokens[start - 1], tokens[start + 1]] before = tokens[: start - 1] after = tokens[start + 2 :] tokens = before + [["|", inside]] + after # nothing special, so just return it else: return tokens return self.__red(tokens) def __optimize_tokens(self, tokens): """ Attempt to optimize tokens, to speed up matching. """ # longer queries tend to reject more tracks, which speeds up # processing, so we put them first. tokens.sort(key=len) return tokens
class TracksInList: """ Matches tracks contained in a list/dict/set. Copies the list. """ __slots__ = ['_tracks'] tag = None def __init__(self, tracks): if isinstance(tracks, dict): self._tracks = set(tracks.keys()) else: self._tracks = {t for t in tracks} def match(self, track): return track.track in self._tracks class TracksNotInList(TracksInList): """ Matches tracks not in a list/dict/set """ def match(self, track): return track.track not in self._tracks
[docs]def search_tracks(trackiter, trackmatchers: Collection[TracksMatcher]): """ Search a set of tracks for those that match specified conditions. :param trackiter: An iterable object returning Track objects :param trackmatchers: A list of TrackMatcher objects """ for srtr in trackiter: if not isinstance(srtr, SearchResultTrack): srtr = SearchResultTrack(srtr) if all(tma.match(srtr) for tma in trackmatchers): yield srtr # On large collections, searching can take a while. Due to # peculiarities in python's GIL that means the now-cpu-bound # thread running the search can end up blocking other threads. # Calling out to time.sleep forces a release of the GIL and # allows other threads to run. Benchmarks show this has no # noticable effect on search speed. time.sleep(0)
[docs]def search_tracks_from_string( trackiter, search_string, case_sensitive=True, keyword_tags=None ): """ Convenience wrapper around search_tracks that builds matchers automatically from the search string. Arguments have the same meaning as the corresponding arguments on on :class:`search_tracks` and :class:`TracksMatcher`. """ matchers = [ TracksMatcher( search_string, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, keyword_tags=keyword_tags ) ] return search_tracks(trackiter, matchers)
def match_track_from_string( track, search_string, case_sensitive=True, keyword_tags=None ): matcher = TracksMatcher( search_string, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, keyword_tags=keyword_tags ) return matcher.match(SearchResultTrack(track))