Source code for xl.trax.track

# -*- coding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission
# for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and
# distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is
# above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which
# Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to
# do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
# from your version.

from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import operator
import re
import time
from typing import Dict, Generic, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union
import unicodedata
import weakref

from gi.repository import Gio
from gi.repository import GLib

from xl.metadata._base import BaseFormat
import xl.unicode
from xl import event, metadata, settings
from xl.metadata.tags import disk_tags
from xl.nls import gettext as _
from xl.unicode import shave_marks

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_K = TypeVar('_K')
_V = TypeVar('_V')
_V1 = TypeVar('_V1')

# map chars to appropriate subsitutes for sorting
_sortcharmap = {
    'ß': 'ss',  # U+00DF
    'æ': 'ae',  # U+00E6
    'ij': 'ij',  # U+0133
    'ŋ': 'ng',  # U+014B
    'œ': 'oe',  # U+0153
    'ƕ': 'hv',  # U+0195
    'dž': 'dz',  # U+01C6
    'lj': 'lj',  # U+01C9
    'nj': 'nj',  # U+01CC
    'dz': 'dz',  # U+01F3
    'ҥ': 'ng',  # U+04A5
    'ҵ': 'ts',  # U+04B5

# Cache these here because calling gettext inside get_tag_display
# is two orders of magnitude slower.
_VARIOUSARTISTSSTR = _("Various Artists")
_UNKNOWNSTR = _("Unknown")
# TRANSLATORS: String multiple tag values will be joined by
_JOINSTR = _(' / ')

_no_set_raw = {'__basename', '__loc'} | disk_tags

_unset = object()

class _MetadataCacher(Generic[_K, _V]):
    """Time- and size-limited LRU cache"""

    class Entry(Generic[_V1]):
        value: _V1
        time: float

        def __init__(self, value: _V1, time: float):
            self.value = value
            self.time = time

        def __lt__(self, other: '_MetadataCacher.Entry'):
            return self.time < other.time

    _cache: Dict[_K, Entry[_V]]
    timeout: int
    maxentries: int
    _cleanup_id: Optional[int]

    def __init__(self, timeout: int = 10, maxentries: int = 20):
        :param timeout: time (in s) until the cached obj gets removed.
        :param maxentries: maximum number of objects to cache
        self._cache = {}
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.maxentries = maxentries
        self._cleanup_id = None

    def __cleanup(self) -> bool:
        if self._cleanup_id is not None:
            self._cleanup_id = None
        current = time.time()
        thresh = current - self.timeout
        self._cache = {k: v for k, v in self._cache.items() if v.time >= thresh}
        if self._cache:
            next_expiry = min(self._cache.values()).time
            timeout = int((next_expiry + self.timeout) - current)
            self._cleanup_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(timeout, self.__cleanup)
        return False

    def add(self, key: _K, value: _V) -> None:
        if key in self._cache:
        item = self.Entry(value, time.time())
        self._cache[key] = item
        if len(self._cache) > self.maxentries:
            oldest_key = min(self._cache.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
            del self._cache[oldest_key]
        if self._cleanup_id is None:
            self._cleanup_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(self.timeout, self.__cleanup)

    def remove(self, key: _K) -> None:
            del self._cache[key]
        except KeyError:

    def get(self, key: _K) -> Optional[_V]:
        item = self._cache.get(key)
        if item is None:
            return None
        item.time = time.time()
        return item.value

#: Cache of metadata format objects to speed up get_tag_disk
_CACHER: _MetadataCacher['Track', BaseFormat] = _MetadataCacher()

[docs]class Track: """ Represents a single track. """ # save a little memory this way __slots__ = ["__tags", "_scan_valid", "_dirty", "__weakref__", "_init"] # this is used to enforce the one-track-per-uri rule __tracksdict = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # store a copy of the settings values here - much faster (0.25 cpu # seconds) (see _the_cuts_cb) __the_cuts = settings.get_option('collection/strip_list', []) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ override the construction of new Track objects so that if there is already a Track for a given uri, we just return that Track instance instead of creating a new one. """ # subclassing interferes with the one-track-per-uri scheme and # with save and restore of tracks, so we disallow it. if cls != Track: raise TypeError("Track cannot be subclassed!") uri = None if len(args) > 0: uri = args[0] else: uri = kwargs.get("uri") # Restore uri from pickled state if possible. This means that # if a given Track is in more than one TrackDB, the first # TrackDB to get loaded takes precedence, and any data in the # second TrackDB is consequently ignored. Thus if at all # possible, Tracks should NOT be persisted in more than one # TrackDB at a time. unpickles = None if uri is None: if len(args) > 2: unpickles = args[2] else: unpickles = kwargs.get("_unpickles") if unpickles is not None: uri = unpickles.get("__loc") if uri is not None: uri = Gio.File.new_for_uri(uri).get_uri() try: tr = cls.__tracksdict[uri] tr._init = False # if the track *does* happen to be pickled in more than one # place, then we need to preserve any internal tags that aren't # persisted to disk. # # See if unpickles is None: if len(args) > 2: unpickles = args[2] else: unpickles = kwargs.get("_unpickles") if unpickles is not None: tags = tr.list_tags() to_set = { tag: values for tag, values in unpickles.items() if tag.startswith('__') and tag not in tags } if to_set: tr.set_tags(**to_set) except KeyError: tr = object.__new__(cls) cls.__tracksdict[uri] = tr tr._init = True return tr else: # this should always fail in __init__, and will never be # called in well-formed code. tr = object.__new__(cls) tr._init = True return tr def __init__(self, uri: Optional[str] = None, scan: bool = True, _unpickles=None): """ :param uri: the location, as either a uri or a file path. :param scan: Whether to try to read tags from the given uri. Use only if the tags need to be set by a different source. :param _unpickles: used internally to restore from a pickled state. not for normal use. """ # don't re-init if its a reused track. see __new__ if self._init is False: return self.__tags = {} self._scan_valid = None # whether our last tag read attempt worked # This is not used by write_tags, this is used by the collection to # indicate that the tags haven't been written to the collection self._dirty = False if _unpickles: self._unpickles(_unpickles) self.__register() elif uri: # notify isn't needed here because this is a new track self.set_loc(uri, notify_changed=False) if scan: self.read_tags(notify_changed=False) else: raise ValueError("Cannot create a Track from nothing") def __register(self): """ Register this instance into the global registry of Track objects. """ self.__tracksdict[self.__tags['__loc']] = self def __unregister(self): """ Unregister this instance from the global registry of Track objects. """ try: del self.__tracksdict[self.__tags['__loc']] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def set_loc(self, loc: str, notify_changed: bool = True) -> None: """ Sets the location. :param loc: the location, as either a uri or a file path. """ self.__unregister() gloc = Gio.File.new_for_commandline_arg(loc) self.__tags['__loc'] = gloc.get_uri() self.__register() if notify_changed: event.log_event('track_tags_changed', self, {'__loc'})
[docs] def exists(self): """ Returns whether the file exists This can be very slow, use with caution! """ return Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.get_loc_for_io()).query_exists(None)
[docs] def get_loc_for_io(self) -> str: """ Gets the location as a full uri. Safe for IO operations via gio, not suitable for display to users as it may be in non-utf-8 encodings. """ return self.__tags['__loc']
def get_local_path(self): """ If the file is accessible on a local filesystem, retrieves the full path to it, otherwise nothing. :returns: the file path or None :rtype: string or NoneType """ return Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.get_loc_for_io()).get_path() def get_basename(self): """ Returns the base name of a resource """ gfile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.get_loc_for_io()) return gfile.get_basename() def get_basename_display(self) -> str: """ Return the track basename for display purposes (invalid characters are replaced). :rtype: unicode """ gfile = Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.get_loc_for_io()) path = gfile.get_path() if path: # Local path = GLib.filename_display_basename(path) else: # Non-local path = GLib.filename_display_name(gfile.get_basename()) return path
[docs] def get_type(self): """ Get the URI schema the file uses, e.g. file, http, smb. """ return Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.get_loc_for_io()).get_uri_scheme()
[docs] def write_tags(self): """ Writes tags to the file for this Track. Returns False if unsuccessful, and a Format object from `xl.metadata` otherwise. """ try: f = metadata.get_format(self.get_loc_for_io()) if f is None: return False # not a supported type f.write_tags(self.__tags) # now that we've written the tags to disk, remove any tags that the # user asked to be deleted to_remove = [k for k, v in self.__tags.items() if v is None] for rm in to_remove: self.__tags.pop(rm) return f except IOError: # error writing to the file, probably logger.warning("Could not write tags to file", exc_info=True) return False except Exception: logger.exception("Unknown exception: Could not write tags to file") return False
[docs] def read_tags(self, force=True, notify_changed=True): """ Reads tags from the file for this Track. :param force: If not True, then only read the tags if the file has be modified. Returns False if unsuccessful, and a Format object from `xl.metadata` otherwise. """ loc = self.get_loc_for_io() try: f = metadata.get_format(loc) if f is None: self._scan_valid = False return False # not a supported type # Retrieve file specific metadata gloc = Gio.File.new_for_uri(loc) if hasattr(Gio.FileInfo, 'get_modification_date_time'): # GLib >=2.62 mtime = ( gloc.query_info("time::modified", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None) .get_modification_date_time() .to_unix() ) else: # Deprecated due to the Year 2038 problem mtime = gloc.query_info( "time::modified", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None ).get_modification_time() mtime = mtime.tv_sec + (mtime.tv_usec / 100000.0) if not force and self.__tags.get('__modified', 0) >= mtime: return f # Read the tags ntags = f.read_all() ntags['__modified'] = mtime # TODO: this probably breaks on non-local files ntags['__basedir'] = gloc.get_parent().get_path() # remove tags that could be in the file, but are in fact not # in the file. Retain tags in the DB that aren't supported by # the file format. nkeys = set(ntags.keys()) ekeys = {k for k in self.__tags if not k.startswith('__')} # delete anything that wasn't in the new tags to_del = ekeys - nkeys # but if not others set, only delete supported tags if not f.others: to_del &= set(f.tag_mapping.keys()) for tag in to_del: ntags[tag] = None self.set_tags(notify_changed=notify_changed, **ntags) self._scan_valid = True return f except Exception: self._scan_valid = False logger.exception("Error reading tags for %s", loc) return False
def is_local(self): """ Determines whether a file is accessible on the local filesystem. """ # TODO: determine this better # Maybe use Gio.File.is_native()? if self.get_local_path(): return True return False def get_size(self): """ Get the raw size of the file. Potentially slow. """ f = Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.get_loc_for_io()) return f.query_info( "standard::size", Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None ).get_size() def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): """ returns a string representing the track """ vals = map(self.get_tag_display, ('title', 'artist', 'album')) return "<Track %r by %r from %r>" % tuple(vals) def _pickles(self): """ returns a data repr of the track suitable for pickling internal use only please """ return deepcopy(self.__tags) def _unpickles(self, pickle_obj): """ restores the state from the pickle-able repr internal use only please """ self.__tags = deepcopy(pickle_obj)
[docs] def list_tags(self): """ Returns a list of the names of all tags present in this Track. """ return [k for k, v in self.__tags.items() if v is not None] + ['__basename']
def _xform_set_values(self, tag, values): # Handle values that aren't lists if not isinstance(values, list): if not tag.startswith("__"): # internal tags dont have to be lists values = [values] # For lists, filter out empty values if isinstance(values, list): values = [v for v in values if v not in (None, '')] if values: return values return None
[docs] def set_tag_raw(self, tag, values, notify_changed=True): """ Set the raw value of a tag. :param tag: The name of the tag to set. :param values: The value or values to set the tag to. :param notify_changed: whether to send a signal to let other parts of Exaile know there has been an update. Only set this to False if you know that no other parts of Exaile need to be updated. .. note:: When setting more than one tag, prefer set_tags instead .. warning:: Covers and lyrics tags must be set via set_tag_disk :returns: True if changed, False otherwise """ changed = self.set_tags(notify_changed=notify_changed, **{tag: values}) return bool(changed)
[docs] def set_tags(self, notify_changed=True, **kwargs): """ Set multiple tags on a track. :param notify_changed: whether to send a signal to let other parts of Exaile know there has been an update. Only set this to False if you know that no other parts of Exaile need to be updated. Prefer this method over calling set_tag_raw multiple times, as this method will be more efficient. .. warning:: Covers and lyrics tags must be set via set_tag_disk :returns: Set of tags that have changed """ # tag changes can cause expensive UI updates, so don't emit the event # if the track hasn't actually changed changed = set() for tag, values in kwargs.items(): if tag in _no_set_raw: if tag == '__loc': logger.warning( 'Setting "__loc" directly is forbidden, use set_loc() instead.' ) elif tag == '__basename': logger.warning('Setting "__basename" directly is forbidden.') else: logger.warning( 'Cannot set "%s" via set_tag_raw, use set_tag_disk instead', tag ) continue # Transform and set the value. We do NOT delete the value from the tag # dict (which was done prior to Exaile 4), otherwise we don't know that # the user wanted the tag to be deleted new_value = self._xform_set_values(tag, values) if self.__tags.get(tag, _unset) != new_value: changed.add(tag) self.__tags[tag] = new_value if changed: self._dirty = True if notify_changed: event.log_event("track_tags_changed", self, changed) return changed
[docs] def get_tag_raw(self, tag, join=False): """ Get the raw value of a tag. For non-internal tags, the result will always be a list of unicode strings. :param tag: The name of the tag to get :param join: If True, joins lists of values into a single value. :returns: None if the tag is not present """ if tag == '__basename': value = self.get_basename() elif tag == '__startoffset': # TODO: This is only necessary because some places that deal with # __startoffset don't check for None. Those need to be fixed. value = self.__tags.get(tag, 0) else: value = self.__tags.get(tag) if join and value and not tag.startswith('__'): return self.join_values(value) return value
[docs] def get_tag_sort( self, tag, join=True, artist_compilations=False, extend_title=True ): """ Get a tag value in a form suitable for sorting. :param tag: The name of the tag to get :param join: If True, joins lists of values into a single value. :param artist_compilations: If True, automatically handle albumartist and other compilations detections when tag=="albumartist". :param extend_title: If the title tag is unknown, try to add some identifying information to it. """ # The two magic values here are to ensure that compilations # and unknown values are always sorted below all normal # values. value = None sorttag = self.__tags.get(tag + "sort") if sorttag and tag != "albumartist": value = sorttag elif tag == "albumartist": if artist_compilations and self.__tags.get('__compilation'): value = self.__tags.get('albumartist', "\uffff\uffff\uffff\ufffe") else: value = self.__tags.get('albumartist') if value is None: value = self.__tags.get('artist', "\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff") if sorttag and value not in ( "\uffff\uffff\uffff\ufffe", "\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff", ): value = sorttag else: sorttag = None elif tag in ('tracknumber', 'discnumber'): value = self.split_numerical(self.__tags.get(tag))[0] or 0 elif tag in ('__length', '__playcount'): value = self.__tags.get(tag, 0) elif tag == 'bpm': try: value = int(self.__tags.get(tag, [0])[0]) except ValueError: digits ='\d+\.?\d*', self.__tags.get(tag, [0])[0]) if digits: value = float( elif tag == '__basename': # TODO: Check if unicode() is required value = self.get_basename() elif tag == '__rating': value = self.get_rating() else: value = self.__tags.get(tag) if value is None: value = "\uffff\uffff\uffff\uffff" # unknown if tag == 'title': basename = self.get_basename_display() value = "%s (%s)" % (value, basename) elif not tag.startswith("__") and tag not in ( 'tracknumber', 'discnumber', 'bpm', ): if not sorttag: value = self.format_sort(value) else: if isinstance(value, list): value = [self.lower(v + " " + v) for v in value] else: value = self.lower(value + " " + value) if join: value = self.join_values(value) return value
[docs] def get_tag_display( self, tag, join=True, artist_compilations=False, extend_title=True ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """ Get a tag value in a form suitable for display. :param tag: The name of the tag to get :param join: If True, joins lists of values into a single value. :param artist_compilations: If True, automatically handle albumartist and other compilations detections when tag=="albumartist". :param extend_title: If the title tag is unknown, try to add some identifying information to it. """ if tag == '__loc': return Gio.File.new_for_uri(self.__tags['__loc']).get_parse_name() value = None if tag == "albumartist": if artist_compilations and self.__tags.get('__compilation'): value = self.__tags.get('albumartist', _VARIOUSARTISTSSTR) else: value = self.__tags.get('albumartist') if value is None: value = self.__tags.get('artist', _UNKNOWNSTR) elif tag in ('tracknumber', 'discnumber'): value = self.split_numerical(self.__tags.get(tag))[0] or "" elif tag in ('__length', '__startoffset', '__stopoffset'): value = self.__tags.get(tag, "") elif tag in ('__rating', '__playcount'): value = self.__tags.get(tag, "0") elif tag == '__bitrate': try: value = int(self.__tags['__bitrate']) // 1000 if value == -1: value = "" else: # TRANSLATORS: Bitrate (k here is short for kbps). value = _("%dk") % value except (KeyError, ValueError): value = "" elif tag == '__basename': value = self.get_basename_display() else: value = self.__tags.get(tag) if value is None: value = '' if tag == 'title': basename = self.get_basename_display() value = "%s (%s)" % (_UNKNOWNSTR, basename) # Convert value to str or List[str] if isinstance(value, list): value = [xl.unicode.to_unicode(x, errors='replace') for x in value] else: value = xl.unicode.to_unicode(value, errors='replace') if join: value = self.join_values(value, _JOINSTR) return value
def get_tag_search( self, tag, format=True, artist_compilations=False, extend_title=True ): """ Get a tag value suitable for passing to the search system. This includes quoting and list joining. :param format: pre-format into a search query. :param artist_compilations: If True, automatically handle albumartist and other compilations detections when tag=="albumartist". :param extend_title: If the title tag is unknown, try to add some identifying information to it. :returns: unicode string that is used for searching """ extraformat = "" if tag == "albumartist": if artist_compilations and self.__tags.get('__compilation'): value = self.__tags.get('albumartist', None) tag = 'albumartist' extraformat += " ! __compilation==__null__" else: value = self.__tags.get('albumartist') if value is None: value = self.__tags.get('artist') elif tag in ('tracknumber', 'discnumber'): value = self.split_numerical(self.__tags.get(tag))[0] elif tag in ( '__length', '__playcount', '__rating', '__startoffset', '__stopoffset', ): value = self.__tags.get(tag, 0) elif tag == '__bitrate': try: value = int(self.__tags['__bitrate']) // 1000 if value != -1: # TRANSLATORS: Bitrate (k here is short for kbps). value = [_("%dk") % value, self.__tags['__bitrate']] except (KeyError, ValueError): value = -1 elif tag == '__basename': value = self.get_basename_display() else: value = self.__tags.get(tag) # Quote arguments if value is None: value = '__null__' if tag == 'title': extraformat += ' __loc==\"%s\"' % self.__tags['__loc'] elif format: if isinstance(value, list): value = ['"%s"' % self.quoter(val) for val in value] else: value = '"%s"' % self.quoter(value) # Join lists if format: if isinstance(value, list): value = " ".join(['%s==%s' % (tag, v) for v in value]) else: value = '%s==%s' % (tag, value) if extraformat: value += extraformat # Shave marks from strings if isinstance(value, list): value = [shave_marks(v) for v in value] else: value = shave_marks(value) return value def _get_format_obj(self): f = _CACHER.get(self) if not f: try: f = metadata.get_format(self.get_loc_for_io()) except Exception: # TODO: What exception? return None if not f: return None _CACHER.add(self, f) return f def get_tag_disk(self, tag): """ Read a tag directly from disk. Can be slow, use with caution. Intended for use with large fields like covers and lyrics that shouldn't be loaded to the in-mem db. .. warning:: The track instance will not be updated with the new tag :returns: None if the tag does not exist """ f = self._get_format_obj() if f: try: return f.read_tags([tag])[tag] except KeyError: return None def set_tag_disk(self, tag, values): """ Set a tag directly to disk. Can be slow, use with caution. Intended for use with large fields like covers and lyrics that shouldn't be loaded to the in-mem db. .. warning:: The track instance will not be updated with the new tag :returns: None if the tag does not exist """ f = self._get_format_obj() if f: values = self._xform_set_values(tag, values) f.write_tags({tag: values}) def list_tags_disk(self): """ List all the tags directly from file metadata. Can be slow, use with caution. """ f = self._get_format_obj() if f: return f.get_keys_disk() ### convenience funcs for rating ### # these dont fit in the normal set of tag access methods, # but are sufficiently useful to warrant inclusion here
[docs] def get_rating(self): """ Returns the current track rating as an integer, as determined by the ``rating/maximum`` setting. :rtype: int """ try: rating = float(self.get_tag_raw('__rating')) except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError): return 0 maximum = settings.get_option("rating/maximum", 5) rating = int(round(rating * float(maximum) / 100.0)) if rating > maximum: return int(maximum) elif rating < 0: return 0 return rating
[docs] def set_rating(self, rating): """ Sets the current track rating from an integer, on the scale determined by the ``rating/maximum`` setting. Returns the scaled rating """ maximum = settings.get_option("rating/maximum", 5) rating = min(rating, maximum) rating = max(0, rating) rating = 100 * rating / maximum self.set_tags(__rating=rating) return rating
### Special functions for wrangling tag values ### @classmethod def format_sort(cls, values): if isinstance(values, list): return [cls.format_sort(v) for v in values] # order of these is important, both for speed and behavior! values = cls.strip_leading(values) values = cls.strip_marks(values) values = cls.lower(values) values = cls.the_cutter(values) values = cls.expand_doubles(values) return values @staticmethod def join_values(values, glue=" / "): """ Exaile's standard method to join tag values """ if isinstance(values, str): return values if isinstance(values, bytes): logger.warning( "join_values with bytes object is deprecated", stack_info=True ) return xl.unicode.to_unicode(values) return glue.join(map(xl.unicode.to_unicode, values)) @staticmethod def split_numerical(values): """ this is used to split a tag like tracknumber that is in int/int format into its separate parts. input should be a string of the content, and may also be wrapped in a list. """ if not values: return None, 0 if isinstance(values, list): val = values[0] else: val = values if isinstance(val, int): return val, 0 split = val.split("/")[:2] try: one = int(split[0]) except ValueError: one = None try: two = int(split[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): two = 0 return (one, two) @staticmethod def strip_leading(value): """ Strip special chars off the beginning of a field. If stripping the chars leaves nothing the original field is returned with only whitespace removed. """ stripped = xl.unicode.to_unicode(value).lstrip( " `~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]\\\";'<>?,./" ) if stripped: return stripped else: return value.lstrip() @staticmethod def the_cutter(value): """ Cut common words like 'the' from the beginning of a tag so that they sort properly. """ lowered = value.lower() for word in Track.__the_cuts: if not word.endswith("'"): word += ' ' if lowered.startswith(word): value = value[len(word) :] break return value @staticmethod def strip_marks(value): """ Remove accents, diacritics, etc. """ # value is appended afterwards so that like-accented values # will sort together. normalize = unicodedata.normalize category = unicodedata.category return ( ''.join([c for c in normalize('NFD', value) if category(c) != 'Mn']) + " " + value ) @staticmethod def expand_doubles(value): """ turns characters like æ into values suitable for sorting, like 'ae'. see _sortcharmap for the mapping. value must be a unicode object or this wont replace anything. value must be in lower-case """ for k, v in _sortcharmap.items(): value = value.replace(k, v) return value # This is slower, don't use it! # return ''.join((_sortcharmap.get(c, c) for c in value)) @staticmethod def lower(value): """ Make tag value lower-case. """ # add the original string after the lowered val so that # we sort case-sensitively if the case-insensitive value # are identical. return value.lower() + " " + value @classmethod def quoter(cls, value): """ Escape quotes so that it's safe to put the value inside a "" literal for searches. Has no effect on non-string values. """ try: return value.replace('"', '\\\"') except AttributeError: return value @classmethod def _the_cuts_cb(cls, name, obj, data): """ PRIVATE update the cached the_cutter values """ if data == "collection/strip_list": cls._Track__the_cuts = settings.get_option('collection/strip_list', []) ### Utility method intended for TrackDB ### @classmethod def _get_track_count(cls): '''Internal API, returns number of track objects we have''' return len(cls._Track__tracksdict)
event.add_callback(Track._the_cuts_cb, 'collection_option_set')