Source code for xl.trax.trackdb

# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission
# for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and
# distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is
# above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which
# Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this
# exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to
# do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
# from your version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

from copy import deepcopy

from xl import common, event
from xl.nls import gettext as _

from xl.trax.track import Track
from xl.trax.util import sort_tracks
from import search_tracks_from_string

from time import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TrackHolder(object):
    def __init__(self, track, key, **kwargs):
        self._track = track
        self._key = key
        self._attrs = kwargs

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self._track, attr)

class TrackDBIterator(object):
    def __init__(self, track_iterator):
        self.iter = track_iterator

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):

[docs]class TrackDB(object): """ Manages a track database. Allows you to add, remove, retrieve, search, save and load Track objects. :param name: The name of this :class:`TrackDB`. :param location: Path to a file where this :class:`TrackDB` should be stored. :param pickle_attrs: A list of attributes to store in the pickled representation of this object. All attributes listed must be built-in types, with one exception: If the object contains the phrase 'tracks' in its name it may be a list or dict of :class:`Track` objects. :param load_first: Set to True if this collection should be loaded before any tracks are created. """ def __init__(self, name="", location="", pickle_attrs=[], loadfirst=False): """ Sets up the trackDB. """ # ensure that the DB is always loaded before any tracks are, # otherwise internal values are not loaded and may be lost/corrupted if loadfirst and Track._get_track_count() != 0: raise RuntimeError( ( "Internal error! %d tracks already loaded, " + "TrackDB must be loaded first!" ) % Track._get_track_count() ) = name self.location = location self._dirty = False self.tracks = {} # key is always URI of the track self.pickle_attrs = pickle_attrs self.pickle_attrs += ['tracks', 'name', '_key'] self._saving = False self._key = 0 self._dbversion = 2.0 self._dbminorversion = 0 self._deleted_keys = [] if location: self.load_from_location() self._timeout_save() def __iter__(self): """ Provide the ability to iterate over a TrackDB. Just as with a dictionary, if tracks are added or removed during iteration, iteration will halt wuth a RuntimeError. """ track_iterator = self.tracks.iteritems() iterator = TrackDBIterator(track_iterator) return iterator def __len__(self): """ Obtain a count of how many items are in the TrackDB """ return len(self.tracks) @common.glib_wait_seconds(300) def _timeout_save(self): """ Callback for auto-saving. """ self.save_to_location() return True def set_name(self, name): """ Sets the name of this :class:`TrackDB` :param name: The new name. :type name: string """ = name self._dirty = True def get_name(self): """ Gets the name of this :class:`TrackDB` :return: The name. :rtype: string """ return def set_location(self, location): """ Sets the location to save to :param location: the location to save to """ self.location = location self._dirty = True
[docs] @common.synchronized def load_from_location(self, location=None): """ Restores :class:`TrackDB` state from the pickled representation stored at the specified location. :param location: the location to load the data from :type location: string """ if not location: location = self.location if not location: raise AttributeError( _("You did not specify a location to load the db from") ) logger.debug("Loading %s DB from %s.",, location) pdata = common.open_shelf(location) if "_dbversion" in pdata: if int(pdata['_dbversion']) > int(self._dbversion): raise common.VersionError("DB was created on a newer Exaile version.") elif pdata['_dbversion'] < self._dbversion:"Upgrading DB format....") import shutil shutil.copyfile(location, location + "-%s.bak" % pdata['_dbversion']) import xl.migrations.database as dbmig dbmig.handle_migration( self, pdata, pdata['_dbversion'], self._dbversion ) for attr in self.pickle_attrs: try: if 'tracks' == attr: data = {} for k in (x for x in pdata.keys() if x.startswith("tracks-")): p = pdata[k] tr = Track(_unpickles=p[0]) loc = tr.get_loc_for_io() if loc not in data: data[loc] = TrackHolder(tr, p[1], **p[2]) else: logger.warning("Duplicate track found: %s", loc) # presumably the second track was written because of an error, # so use the first track found. del pdata[k] setattr(self, attr, data) else: setattr(self, attr, pdata.get(attr, getattr(self, attr))) except Exception: # FIXME: Do something about this logger.exception("Exception occurred while loading %s", location) pdata.close() self._dirty = False
[docs] @common.synchronized def save_to_location(self, location=None): """ Saves a pickled representation of this :class:`TrackDB` to the specified location. :param location: the location to save the data to :type location: string """ if not self._dirty: for track in self.tracks.itervalues(): if track._track._dirty: self._dirty = True break if not self._dirty: return if not location: location = self.location if not location: raise AttributeError(_("You did not specify a location to save the db")) if self._saving: return self._saving = True logger.debug("Saving %s DB to %s.",, location) try: pdata = common.open_shelf(location) if pdata.get('_dbversion', self._dbversion) > self._dbversion: raise common.VersionError("DB was created on a newer Exaile.") except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to open music DB for writing.") return for attr in self.pickle_attrs: # bad hack to allow saving of lists/dicts of Tracks if 'tracks' == attr: for k, track in self.tracks.iteritems(): key = "tracks-%s" % track._key if track._track._dirty or key not in pdata: pdata[key] = ( track._track._pickles(), track._key, deepcopy(track._attrs), ) else: pdata[attr] = deepcopy(getattr(self, attr)) pdata['_dbversion'] = self._dbversion for key in self._deleted_keys: key = "tracks-%s" % key if key in pdata: del pdata[key] pdata.sync() pdata.close() for track in self.tracks.itervalues(): track._track._dirty = False self._dirty = False self._saving = False
def get_track_by_loc(self, loc, raw=False): """ returns the track having the given loc. if no such track exists, returns None """ try: return self.tracks[loc]._track except KeyError: return None def get_tracks_by_locs(self, locs): """ returns the track having the given loc. if no such track exists, returns None """ return [self.get_track_by_loc(loc) for loc in locs] def loc_is_member(self, loc): """ Returns True if loc is a track in this collection, False if it is not """ return loc in self.tracks def get_count(self): """ Returns the number of tracks stored in this database """ count = len(self.tracks) return count
[docs] def add(self, track): """ Adds a track to the database of tracks :param track: The :class:`xl.trax.Track` to add """ self.add_tracks([track])
[docs] @common.synchronized def add_tracks(self, tracks): """ Like add(), but takes a list of :class:`xl.trax.Track` """ locations = [] now = time() for tr in tracks: if not tr.get_tag_raw('__date_added'): tr.set_tags(__date_added=now) location = tr.get_loc_for_io() # Don't add duplicates -- track URLs are unique if location in self.tracks: continue locations += [location] self.tracks[location] = TrackHolder(tr, self._key) self._key += 1 if locations: event.log_event('tracks_added', self, locations) self._dirty = True
[docs] def remove(self, track): """ Removes a track from the database :param track: the :class:`xl.trax.Track` to remove """ self.remove_tracks([track])
[docs] @common.synchronized def remove_tracks(self, tracks): """ Like remove(), but takes a list of :class:`xl.trax.Track` """ locations = [] for tr in tracks: location = tr.get_loc_for_io() locations += [location] self._deleted_keys.append(self.tracks[location]._key) del self.tracks[location] event.log_event('tracks_removed', self, locations) self._dirty = True
def get_tracks(self): return list(self) def search(self, query, sort_fields=[], return_lim=-1, tracks=None, reverse=False): """ DEPRECATED, DO NOT USE IN NEW CODE """ import warnings warnings.warn(" is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) tracks = [ x.track for x in search_tracks_from_string( self, query, case_sensitive=False, keyword_tags=['artist', 'albumartist', 'album', 'title'], ) ] if sort_fields: tracks = sort_tracks(sort_fields, tracks, reverse) if return_lim > 0: tracks = tracks[:return_lim] return tracks
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